* Copies the PubName publication to the local Maven cache — typically $USER_HOME/.m2/repository — along with the publication’s POM file and other metadata. * 翻译:将PubName发布复制到本地Maven缓存-通常为$USER_HOME/.m2/repository-以及出版物的POM文件和其他元数据。 * 理解:把任务发布到的ma...
IntelliJ IDEA will generate a.jarfile with the information that is inline with the Maven naming conventions and the updated artifact name. Publish the library to a local Maven repository Open thebuild.gradlefile and addid 'maven-publish'to thepluginssection. Click to load the changes to your...
gradle publishMavenPublicationToMavenRepository 插件会自动生成pom文件,若是jar包,则会自动包含相应的依赖信息,若是war包,则生成的pom文件不会包含依赖信息(因为不需要) 看到如下的输出,则表明上传成功:
然后执行 publishMavenPublicationToMavenRepository:gradle publishMavenPublicationToMavenRepository 插件会自动生成pom文件,若是jar包,则会自动包含相应的依赖信息,若是war包,则生成的pom文件不会包含依赖信息(因为不需要)看到如下的输出,则表明上传成功:标签: java, gradle ...
将名为PubName的发布发布到名为RepoName的存储库中。如果您有一个没有显式名称的存储库定义,那么RepoName将是Maven。 publishPubNamePublicationToMavenLocal 将PubName发布复制到本地Maven缓存—通常是*$USER_HOME/.m2/repository*——连同发布的POM文件和其他元数据一起。
:common:jar UP-TO-DATE :common:sourceJar UP-TO-DATE :common:publishMavenPublicationToMavenRepository Upload http://jenkins.maven.com:8080/maven/content/repositories/thirdparty/com/kingboy/common/1.0/common-1.0.jar Could not transfer artifact com.kingboy:common:jar:1.0 from/to remote (http:...
Maven Repository URL: 获取目标Maven仓库的URL地址,这对于配置插件至关重要。 认证信息: 如果目标仓库需要认证,提前准备好用户名和密码或访问令牌。 注意事项 在开始安装之前,建议备份现有的build.gradle文件,以防万一安装过程中出现问题,可以迅速恢复到之前的配置状态。
mavendemo:2.7.0-SNAPSHOT' groupId = "cn.com.jack" artifactId = "mavendemo" version = versionName // 上传source,这样使用放可以看到方法注释 artifact generateSourcesJar } } repositories { // 定义一个 maven 仓库 maven { // 可以有且仅有一个仓库不指定 name 属性,会隐式设置为 Maven // ...
During the period, you will be asked to enter the password. Please keep in mind the secondary password, which will be used when publishing the jar. As shown below: windos generation Basically it is similar to mac, please remember the password. ...
maven-publish.yml 31 workflow runs Event Status Branch Actor 0.9.5 Publish package to the Maven Central Repository #36: Release 0.9.5 created by jansoren August 5, 2024 15:58 51s 0.9.4 Publish package to the Maven Central Repository #35: Release 0.9.4 created by jansoren May...