When I compile the project on Jenkins server I get error: Could not get resource ''. The first repository is behind NAT. It should be switched to the second repository and jar should be download but for some reason it's not working....
一、场景描述今天编写了一个demo,使用maven编译打包成jar包,执行"java -jar"命令,报如下错误E:\111\testdea0010\target>java -jar testdea0010-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jarException in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/opensourcedea java -jar classpath Class-Path 可执行jar包 拷贝项目依赖包到lib下 ...
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin:2.10:get\ -DremoteRepositories=http://nexus.example.com/content/groups/public/ \ -Dartifact=com.example:foo:1.0-SNAPSHOT \ -Ddest=/path/to/foo.jar I also used-Dtransitive=trueto download the transitive dependencies but i...
at com.intellij.jarRepository.services.MavenRepositoryServicesManager.findArtifacts(MavenRepositoryServicesManager.java:101) at com.intellij.jarRepository.JarRepositoryManager$3.run(JarRepositoryManager.java:374) at com.intellij.openapi.progress.impl.CoreProgressManager.startTask(CoreProgressManager.java:44...
I am using Maven in my projects from last couple of years, and the automatically downloading the Jars from repository feature of maven is really helpful for developers. But If you are using Eclipse and want to read/analyse Source Code or Java Doc of API then you need the jar file that ...
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository 1. 2. 2.4 手动下载依赖 如果上述方法都不能解决问题,可以考虑手动下载 MySQL 驱动。 访问[Maven Central](mysql-connector-java。 选择你需要的版本,下载.jar文件。 将下载的文件放入项目的lib目录下,然后在pom.xml中添加如下依赖: ...
% mvn compile # builds the classes % mvn test # builds and runs the unit tests % mvn package # builds and creates jar file % mvn install # builds, jars and installs in your local Maven repository Discussion Feel free to pop over to the OOO Libs Google Group to ask questions and ge...
I want to download sources for .m2\repository\com\oracle\database\jdbc\ojdbc8\\ojdbc8-!\oracle\jdbc\OracleDatabaseException.class When I click download sources button then nothing happens. I dont wnat to run mvn dependency:sources ...
eg cache the dependency or something? I am new to this. Thanks! Docker-compose file cannot download maven dependencies from private nexus repository
(2.x or above), the Yarn version is handled per project but a Yarn 1.x install is still needed as a "bootstrap". The plugin will try to detect.yarnrc.ymlfile in the current Maven project/module folder, at the root of the multi-module project if relevant, and in the folder from ...