An analysis of a speech or presentation that evaluates how well a speaker meets a specific speaking goal while following the norms for good speaking and that recommends how the presentation could be improved List 4 techniques to focus on what people are saying regardless of potential distractions....
3 Propisition of Fact 4 pride 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞語(58) Persuasion The process of influencing people's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors Persuasive speaking the process of influencing people's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors in a public speech Argument articulating a positio...
Public Speaking Final 75個詞語 amazingebridges88 預覽 Quiz 2 17個詞語 samified3 預覽 Illinois FFA Forestry CDE - Tree Identification 52個詞語 ryliewhitaker 預覽 Chapter 4 19個詞語 Dymonae1 預覽 Grammar test 75個詞語 popron21 預覽 Progress Monitoring 10-23-23 8個詞語 jackmilitante10 預覽 Compe...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含The most common type of anxiety that causes fear of public speaking is known as: social trauma social hesitation social debilitation social anxiety、Public speaking anxiety is a set of learned responses that can be unlearned. a phy
3 common reasons for having a fear of failing at public speaking? 1.lack of preparation 2. of knowledge about public speaking 3. knowing the context asyou become more aware of what other speakers are doing, you will see how they use certain tactics, like --- to hide a lack ...
This example refers to which of the following speaking competencies? suitable vocal expression Andrew gives a speech on the benefits of biking to work instead of driving. He cites Yahoo Answers and his older brother as sources, and often strays off topic. Andrew needs to work on___. better ...
Public Speaking final 75個詞語 zf62555 預覽 SOC_WK 7740 Quiz 11 - Ch. 11 Netting et al., 2023 19個詞語 madisonberthelsen194 預覽 Exam #3 33個詞語 hunterw0808581 預覽 Leadership and Community Pre-Assessment Quiz 30個詞語 meybis_perez2 預覽 Chapter 4 Communication 46個詞語 vxcinco 預覽 ...
Chapter 1 Public Speaking 20個詞語 hrich14 預覽 Location leadership 9個詞語 zfreezeh17 預覽 Midterm Study set 90個詞語 JoinDaWave23 預覽 ROOTS 9個詞語 krose1836 預覽 The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Lesson 28 老師8個詞語 Priscilla_Parker7 預覽 SPEECH VOCAB WORDS 20個詞語 naima800 預覽 Intercol...
Public speaking classes are valuable because 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 They make for better democratic citizens. Effective speakers tend to be more successful. They contribute to one's personal growth. (All of the above) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 116 sstuckey1531 Top creator on Quizlet· 7個月前...
3 Aspects of Developing Main Points 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1. Logical Divisions2. Reasons3. Specific Steps 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 48 建立者 drakehowell4 2個月前建立 分享 學生們也學習了 學習指南 SPC2608 Midterm 111個詞語 UlisesCruz360預覽 Public Speaking final 75個詞語 zf62555預覽 HR Cer...