Public Speaking quiz單詞卡 學習 測試 配對Persuasion 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆The process of influencing people's attitudes, beliefs, values, or behaviors 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 58 Macieela101 Quizlet上的頂尖創作者· 2年前建立 分享 Ch.13 & 14 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Anatomy quiz 2 48個詞語...
1 / 24 建立者 Kelsea_Metcalf 1個月前建立 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Fundamentals Ch 8 35個詞語 rachelvanatta49 預覽 COM 120 quiz 1 16個詞語 HoloPenguin_queen 預覽 Communication 112 89個詞語 fbg2d85xjf 預覽 Public Speaking Final 75個詞語 amazingebridges88 預覽 Quiz 2 17個詞語 samified3 預...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含The most common type of anxiety that causes fear of public speaking is known as: social trauma social hesitation social debilitation social anxiety、Public speaking anxiety is a set of learned responses that can be unlearned. a phy
aek46631 預覽 6 Research Vocab 老師10個詞語 ELDAndersonWestAda 預覽 6400 Quizes 60個詞語 emmaline_bradley 預覽 Prefix #1 39個詞語 cneibauer 預覽 Med Terms Chapter 2 37個詞語 gatesan2 預覽 Unit Five: Caged Bird 10個詞語 YoBoiPT 預覽 Evans Vocab Quiz #1 20個詞語 emmag11244 預覽 Greek/Lat...
1 / 103 建立者 mariasant4 3個月前建立 分享 學生們也學習了 學習指南 SPC2608 Midterm 111個詞語 UlisesCruz360 預覽 Public Speaking final 75個詞語 zf62555 預覽 SOC_WK 7740 Quiz 11 - Ch. 11 Netting et al., 2023 19個詞語 madisonberthelsen194 預覽 Exam #3 33個詞語 hunterw0808581 預覽 ...
public speaking midterm NEMCC 91個詞語 Kaitlyn_Shelley7 預覽 nursing final 122個詞語 sweetiedog07 預覽 COM 110 Exam 1 5個詞語 Maya_P9 預覽 Communications Test 2 60個詞語 ShaunM142 預覽 Public Speaking Quiz 11個詞語 CheyenneWilly04 預覽 Prefixes 52個詞語 kanga9947 預覽 COMM 2100 Exam 1 Study...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含In what ways will public speaking likely make a difference in your life?、How is public speaking similar to everyday conversation?、How is public speaking different from everyday conversation?等詞語及更多內容的單詞卡。
Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Public speaking classes are valuable because, From your readings, "finding your voice" as a public speaker entails all of the following except, The second amendment guarantees all U.S. citi
3 common reasons for having a fear of failing at public speaking? 1.lack of preparation 2. of knowledge about public speaking 3. knowing the context asyou become more aware of what other speakers are doing, you will see how they use certain tactics, like --- to hide a lack ...
Chapter 1 Public Speaking 20個詞語 hrich14 預覽 Location leadership 9個詞語 zfreezeh17 預覽 Midterm Study set 90個詞語 JoinDaWave23 預覽 ROOTS 9個詞語 krose1836 預覽 The Vocabulary Builder Workbook: Lesson 28 老師8個詞語 Priscilla_Parker7 預覽 SPEECH VOCAB WORDS 20個詞語 naima800 預覽 Intercol...