For example, in a qualitative study of three districts in Nepal, only 54% of the health facilities were found to have a properly displayed signboard, 47% displayed a citizen charter, and 40% displayed information about free health care services [45]. Moreover, the process of HRH management ...
Indeed, through the sheer strength of its force, it has contributed significantly to eclipse the political determinants of health, health systems based strategies and key instruments of global governance such as laws and charters. This is also a point Paul Collier (2008)...
School of Engineering, Pokhara University, Pokhara 33700, Nepal 6 Faculty of Nursing, University of Kochi, 2751-1 Ike, Kochi 781-8515, Japan * Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. (This article belongs to the Special IssueWater Quality Assessments for Urban Water Environment) ...