出版社:Allyn & Bacon 副标题:Strategies and Tactics (7th Edition) 出版年:2002-07-29 定价:USD 110.60 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9780205360734 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 内容简介· ··· Using real-life case studies, Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics helps ...
Comprehensive and current, Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics 9/e helps readers better understand the basic concepts, strategies, and tactics practiced in public relations today. In its ninth edition, Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics combines numerous real-life case studies with fundamental...
Public Relations Strategies and Tactics Eighth Edition PublicRelations StrategiesandTactics EighthEdition DennisL.Wilcox,GlenT.Cameron,PhilipH.Ault,andWarrenK.Agee Copyright©AllynandBacon2006 Chapter1:WhatisPublic Relations?Copyright©AllynandBacon2006 StudyGuide(Objectives)AfterstudyingChapter1,youshould...
(1992).Public relations strategies and tactics (7th ed.)New York: HarperCollins Publishers Inc.Wilcox, D. L., P. H. Ault & W. K. Agee. 1992. Public relations: strategies and tactics. New York, NY: HarperCollins.Dennis LWilcox,Phillip HAult,WKAgee. Public Relations Strategies and ...
Agee, second edition ,Public Relations Strategies and Tactics (1989) Harper & Row,New York. In the days before credit cards and bank accounts, a person's reputation depended on their ability to repay debt. At its core was trust and confidence. A g... FW Wylie 被引量: 0发表: 1989年 ...
Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics, 11th Edition by Bryan H. Reber, Dennis L. Wilcox, Glen T. Cameron. Clearly explains the basic concepts, strategies, and tactics of today's public relations practice Public Relations: Strategies and Tactics uses r
4. Select the right public relations tactics. Once you know when and why, it's time to nail down which tactics will be the best to deliver on your strategy. Later on in this post, I’ll cover some common PR strategies and tactics. It might also help to look at somePR examplesfor ...
Stay updated with expert tips and trends in public relations to boost your brand's visibility effectively.
Law, Policy and Ethics(法律,政策和道德 Specialized Writing for Public Relations(公共关系写作) Mass Communication and Society(大众传播与社会) 整体来讲,通过公共关系专业的课程的学习,学生可以获得以下几个方面的指导: 大量掌握communication的理论知识。
PR Strategies and Tactics from the Experts Any business, whether big or small, will need to have a public relations strategy as long as it operates. It cannot survive without… Ways to Improve Your Media Relationships September 5, 2019 2019 Public Relations Trends September 4, 2019 Four ...