In 1976, Dr. Harlow had this to report: "Public relations is a distinctive management function which helps establish and maintain acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its publics; involves the management of problems or issues; helps management to keep informed and responsive to ...
experience and expertise in different areas including administration,publiceducation,public relationandinvestigatory work. 在競委會的架構下將設 立一個由具有經驗及來自 不同行業( 包括行政、公眾 教育、公關及調查工作) 的 專業團隊組成的行政機構。
(2004). Building relationships between organizations and publics: Examining the linkage between organization-public relationships, evaluations of satisfaction, and behavioral intent. Paper presented to Central States Speech Association, Fall 2004. Retrieved March 2, 2005 from
ICE Marketing Consulting is a professional public relation organization offering the service of marketing popularization.───ICE市场顾问公司是一家为行业客户提供专业化营销推广服务的公关机构. I am manager of the public relation department. Here is my card.───我是公共关系部经理, 这是本人的名片. ...
"An organization with good public relations has a favourable image or reputation, perhaps as a result of pubic relations activities." Says Richard Weiner, a noted and award-winning public relations counselor. In developing and implementing public relations plans, companies often use a simple five-...
Public relations is management function that creates, develops, and carries out policies-and programs to influence public opinion or public reaction about an idea, a product, or an organization. The field of public relations has become an important part of the economic, social and political ...
3) Office for Inter-Organization Relations 组织间关系办公室4) Inside Public Relations 组织内部公共关系 例句>> 5) Organizational justice 组织公平 1. The empirical research on the relation between the transformational leadership conduct and the organizational citizenship behavior based on the ...
It is wise to develop a PR strategy around strengthening relationships with any group that is important in shaping or maintaining a positive public image for your organization: reporters and media organizations; industry and professional associations; bloggers; market or industry analysts; governmental re...
2.(Marketing) the condition of the relationship between an organization and the public 3.(Marketing) the professional staff employed to create, promote, or maintain a favourable relationship between an organization and the public Abbreviation:PR ...
Public relations refers to the practice of enhancing an organization’s reputation and image in the minds of target audience through ethical means. Public Relations experts strive hard to maintain a cordial relation between the organization (key members) and stakeholders, investors, employees,partners ...