内容提示: Public authority and its demons: the Sherbroleopard murders in Sierra LeonePaul RichardsThe argumentMary Douglas and other practitioners of Africanist social and cultural anthropol-ogy in its high modernist mid-twentieth-century form (6 and Richards 2017) wereclear that beliefs concerning ...
The Briand-Kellogg Pact only banned war, not the use of force in general. According to its definition of war, a State party was still allowed to resort to armed force if it claimed to act withoutanimus belligerendior employed force ‘short of war’; cf. Neuhold2015, pp. 19 et seq. ...
HAAS (in Iraq, the former Yugoslavia, Haïti, North Korea, and Sierra Leone). The use of "all necessary means" or "all necessary measures" by multi- national forces has been authorized in several cases—Albania, Bosnia, Congo, East Timor, Haïti, Iraq, Liberia, Rwanda, Somalia, ...