内容提示: Public authority and its demons: the Sherbroleopard murders in Sierra LeonePaul RichardsThe argumentMary Douglas and other practitioners of Africanist social and cultural anthropol-ogy in its high modernist mid-twentieth-century form (6 and Richards 2017) wereclear that beliefs concerning ...
The Briand-Kellogg Pact only banned war, not the use of force in general. According to its definition of war, a State party was still allowed to resort to armed force if it claimed to act withoutanimus belligerendior employed force ‘short of war’; cf. Neuhold2015, pp. 19 et seq. ...
To analyze the problem of global mass society within global governance, the same categories used in the two previous chapters will be applied to identify efforts that may enable the needs and will of ordinary people to prevail. The place to start is to identify members of the global order. ...