Best PUBG Graphics Settings for PC Next, let’s take a look at video and in-game display settings. Continuing the practice from above, we’ve outlined the average scores based on pro player’s actual setups. Refresh Rate: 144Hz – 240Hz At one point, PUBG locked the max refresh rate ...
当前PUBG的图像设置的重要性逐步凸显,著名游戏网站EUROGAMER近日发表长文《PUBG graphics settings - how to increase FPS and the best PUBG settings for visibility and competitive play》,讨论如何通过游戏图像设置在竞技中占据优势,以及如何通过图像设置最大化提升fps。全文翻译如下: 当前PUBG的图像设置的重要性逐步...
Given how longPUBGhas been around, you won’t need thebest graphics cardto run it, but getting great performance and high fps is crucial to winning those tense 1v1 firefights. We’ve put together a handy guide to ensure you’re using the best settings possible for your gaming PC. ...
启动绝地求生,在主菜单选择设置(Settings);转至Graphics,确认Render Scale(渲染比例)不低于100%。因为过高可能会导致资源负担,但过低则可能影响画面元素加载;再切换至Gameplay或UI/UX,确保Map(地图)中的Display Flight Path(显示飞行路线)选项已经勾选。额外技巧 若上述设置均无误,尝试重置游戏设置至默认值...
( 500 GB / 7200 转/分 ) 显卡英特尔 Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller ( 32 MB / 联想 ) 显示器联想 LEN2000 Lenovo AIO PC 光驱PLDS DVD-RW DS8ABSH DVD刻录机 声卡瑞昱 ALC272 @ 英特尔 6 Series Chipset 高保真音频 网卡瑞昱 RTL8168/8111/8112 Gigabit Ethernet Controller / 联想 分享6赞 图拉丁吧 ...
应用信息 当前版本: 10.3.0 应用大小:4.86M 应用厂商:互联网 权限:点击查看 隐私: 点击查看 MD5:8C9F62F61B0F86722CCF1F2CCEF8B4D1 包名:eu.tsoml.graphicssettings推荐应用 天猫商城手机版 李跳跳复活版 懂车帝手机版 DIY表情包制作软件手机版 二次元闹钟 叮叮作文 medo体育app 赶考状元英语听说...
To solve this problem, simply adjust the in-game settings of PUBG to better match your PC configuration. Here’s what you need to do: Open theSteamclient andlogin to your account, then go toLibraryand launchPUBG. Now open “Settings“, and select “Graphics” option. ...
2.Next, set your Render Scale to 90, and use the in-game graphics settings below: 3.After exiting the game, you’ll want to add some sharpening in the NVIDIA Control panel. This will help cancel out some of the visual quality loss from where we changed the Render Scale. ...
包名:eu.tsoml.graphicssettings 标签:绝地求生画质修改器吃鸡优化器和平精英画质助手地铁逃生画质修改器帧率优化 无需网络无广告 8.4 0%0% 3322特别说明游戏无法下载安装:请点击查看问题指南 详情介绍 众所周知,PUBG是一款非常不错的大逃杀类吃鸡手游,它刺激的玩法以及多样的模式获无数玩家好评,但是不少玩家在游戏的过...
As of launch, playing on the original Xbox One feels like playing on bare minimum graphics settings on PC. Everything looks muddy, the framerate is choppy, and sometimes buildings and objects don't load until you're right in front of them. The draw distance is terrible, to the point I...