There are no ways to increase the graphics settings in iOS that I know of at the moment. But you can get up to Medium Frame Rate and Balanced Graphics, and the game looks pretty darn good on iOS devices. PUBG Mobile Smooth vs Balanced Here is a side by side of the difference between...
支持游戏: 1.和平精英 2.和平精英(体验服) 3.PUBG MOBILE(国际版) 4.PUBG MOBILE TW (台湾版) 5.PUBG MOBILE KR (韩国版) 6.PUBG MOBILE VN(越南版) 7.PUBG MOBILE BETA(测试版) 8.PUBG MOBILE LITE(轻量版包名:eu.tsoml.graphicssettings MD5值:8a8f9eef1a2856d69c8563529631b498相关...
GFX工具箱画质助手是一款针对特定游戏,特别是如《和平精英》(原《刺激战场》)、PUBG Mobile(PUBG移动版)及同类吃鸡游戏设计的应用程序,旨在帮助玩家优化游戏的图形设置,从而提升游戏画质和性能表现。这款工具允许用户自定义游戏的分辨率、帧率(FPS)、图形质量以及其他高级视觉效果,即使是在硬件配置相对较低的设备上也能...
gfx tool for PUBG 1.8.0 是一款专为《绝地求生:刺激战场》(PUBG Mobile)手游玩家设计的画质提升和帧数优化工具。通过这款软件,玩家可以轻松调整游戏内的画质设置,获得更高清的视觉体验,同时优化游戏性能,确保流畅运行。 软件特色 针对PUBG优化:专门针对PUBG Mobile进行优化,提升游戏画质和帧数,让玩家获得更佳的游戏...
Use the best graphics settings PUBG Mobile is a resource-intensive game. Most flagship phones and tablets should offer you the highest level of graphics. Our advice is to set your settings to Smooth along with the maximum frame rate available for your device. Currently, 90fps is the highest ...
Find them out in this article. Have you ever been in a situation where your enemies killed you easily just because of bad graphics settings? Then you have come to the right place. To play PUBG Mobile, you need to have skills and techniques to conquer the game. But, the use of proper...
Find them out in this article. Have you ever been in a situation where your enemies killed you easily just because of bad graphics settings? Then you have come to the right place. To play PUBG Mobile, you need to have skills and techniques to conquer the game. But, the use of proper...
『PUBG画质助手』,用现成的的代码,傻瓜式操作解锁了 120hz ,打了半小时下来,温度最高飙到 45 ℃,帧数在 80-128 徘徊吧,至少还是能稳在80帧以上的~ 12712 pubgmobile吧 TITANICv8 关于PUBG M帧率修改问题求助各位大神,Pubg M国际服怎么修改到120帧啊,国服的可以修改但国际服它好像是锁着的,改不了了,有啥...
3rd Step.Allow the Storage permission upon asking. Now, you will be able to see Advanced graphics settings. In that tab, you can modify the settings and make your own desired settings for PUBG Mobile. 4th Step. So, for enabling the Extreme Frame Rate, change the Frame Rate option to 60...
The devices can handle these settings. Also, Is tablet users, we use these devices because we don’t want to damage our eyes so much, Do you know how close are the displays to the eyes of mobile cellophane pubgM users? Way too close, ...