Selecting Low keeps the visual benefits of post-processing without killing fps, and it avoids difficult visibility conditions in dark locations that occur at higher settings. Shadows: Very Low Early versions of PUBG displayed no shadows at the Low and Very Low settings. That’s since changed in...
If you can’t stand very low details, AA and Textures are the only one options that you wanna increase. ‘Medium’ is the best possible option to get decent performance and ingame visibility. Sharpen is the best optimized option. You should always enable it! It’s weird, but ‘having fu...
we're looking forward to continued active development alongside our players to make the pubg experience the best that it can possibly be for our xbox community. thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way, and we welcome all of our new players who will join us today with open...
‘Medium’ is the best possible option to get decent performance and ingame visibility. Sharpen is the best optimized option. You should always enable it! It’s weird, but ‘having fun’ with settings like ViewDistance and Folliage might sometimes help, in terms of increasing performance and ...