FDTDAu-core/Pt-shell nanorods (Au@Pt NR ) 被一个 Au 调停 nanorod 的生长方法准备了,并且他们在联合条件下面展出高电磁的地改进.由 Au 核心产生的高电磁的领域的远程的效果增加了,电磁的领域改进能被改变 nanostructures 的形态学控制.在这研究,我们用有限差别时间域(FDTD ) 在电磁的领域改进的模拟上报导...
峰值随着 Pt 前驱体 比例的增加而 增高 .这也佐证了纳米粒子呈 Ni 核 Pt 壳的核壳结 构 (A) Ni 的 XPS 谱图;(B)Pt4f 元素的 XPS 谱图 图 3 Ni 、Pt 和核壳 Ni一.Pt 纳 米粒子 的 XPS 谱图 F ig.3 X PS spectra for Ni,Pt and Ni一一Pt Nano—particles 2.2 电化 学性 能测 试 ...
甲酸在Aucore@Ptshell/Pt电极上电催化氧化的原位SERS 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
Compressive surface strains have been necessary to boost oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) activity in core/shell M/platinum (Pt) catalysts (where M can be nickel, cobalt, or iron). We report on a class of platinum-lead/platinum (PtPb/Pt) core/shell nanoplate catalysts that exhibit large biax...
Z Jing,S Yi,F Cheng,... - 《Journal of Power Sources》 被引量: 68发表: 2007年 Electrochemical Synthesis of Core–Shell Catalysts for Electrocatalytic Applications A novel electrochemical method to prepare platinum shells around carbon-supported metal nanoparticles (Ru and Au) by pulsed electrode...
A f ter sti rring fo r 2 h ,t he m ixtu re w as filt ered and w ashed with M illi—Q water.A fterw ard,the Au/CNTs was dried in an oven at 80 。C for 12 h.Th e A u/CN Ts c om p osite w as ch aracteriz ed b y tran s mis sion elec tron microscopy ...
1. Using the Command Console 2. Shell Console Commands Shell Console Commands 2.1. shell:cat, cat 2.2. shell:clear, clear 2.3. shell:each, each 2.4. shell:echo, echo 2.5. shell:exec, exec 2.6. shell:grep, grep 2.7. shell:head, head ...
The ORR activity was evaluated using an anodic linear potential sweep in O2 saturated 0.1 M THhCelOO4RbRetwaceteinvi0t.y05w–1a.1s Vevvasl.uRaHteEdaundsinapgpalyninagnboadcikcglrionuenadr cpaoptaecnittaianlceswanedepeleinctrOol2ytseartuesriastaendce0.1 M HClOc4orbrectwtioenesn(0F.i0g5u...