Instance_Count {} { set Instance_Number [sizeof_collection [get_cells-hier -filter "is_hierarchical==false"]] set a 0.0 set Instance_Number [expr {$a + $Instance_Number}] set cell_list [get_attr-quiet [get_cells -hi -filter "is_hierarchical==false"] ref_name] foreach cell $cell_...
pt-query-digest --user=root --password=root --port=3306--review h=,D=slow_query_log,t=global_query_review --history h=,D=slow_query_log,t=global_query_review_history --limit=0% --filter='($event->{Bytes} = length($event->{arg}) and $event->{hostn...
pt-query-digest test2-slow.log--no-report --output slowlog --filter '$event->{fingerprint} && make_checksum($event->{fingerprint}) eq "6F7A87D11DDD9CC608CCACD1427CD832"'# Time:2020-02-28T10:49:34#User@Host: root[root]@ test2[]# Thread_id:19# Query_time:3.003152Lock_time:0.002...
pt-query-digest /data/mysql/my3306/logs/slow.log --type=slowlog --filter '($event->{user} || "") =~ m/^pmm/i' 1. ④:分析指定IP的慢查询: pt-query-digest /data/mysql/my3306/logs/slow.log --type=slowlog --filter '($event->{host} || $event->{ip} || "") =~ m/^192...
--filter (No value) --group-by fingerprint --help TRUE --history (No value) --host (No value) --ignore-attributes arg,cmd,insert_id,ip,port,Thread_id,timestamp,exptime,flags,key,res,val,server_id,offset,end_log_pos,Xid --inherit-attributes db,ts ...
--filter¶ type: string Allow events for which this Perl code returns true. See the same option in the documentation for pt-query-digest. --help¶ Show help and exit. --host¶ short form: -h; type: string MySQL hostname or IP. ...
The WHERE context lists tables that are used in the WHERE clause to filter results. This does not include tables that are implicitly joined in the WHERE clause; those are listed as JOIN contexts. For example:WHERE > 100 AND < 200 AND IS NOT NULL Results in:...
记录Dubbo Filter失效 网上各种原因都不对后来发信是因为在 静态块中调用Spring 容器获取Bean,初始化到时候IOC应该没初始化好所以获取Bean的时候报错了,但是根本没异常信息…...记录一些有用的linux指令(持续更新) 记录一些有用的linux指令 grep 关键字查询 多个关键字(或,满足一个) 多个关键字(与,都满足) 排除...
--filter string: 种子名称中包含指定文字的种子 示例: # 显示 local 客户端所有种子信息 ptool show local _all # 以 json (array) 格式显示种子信息 ptool show local _all --json # 自定义种子信息显示格式(查看命令帮助了解更多) ptool show local _all --format "{{.InfoHash}} - {{.SavePath}...
Die Toolsuite kann auch als syslog-Server arbeiten und für jedes Gerät Ihres Netzwerks, das syslog unterstützt, syslog-Nachrichten senden, empfangen, protokollieren und anzeigen. Da die Anzeige auch Filterung unterstützt, können Sie wichtige Nachrichten rasch isolieren und dadurch die Fehl...