【临期促销】【澳洲直邮】SOLANDPSYLLIUMHUSK车前草畅通粉500G 6.33 AUD 澳大利亚当地价约合:¥32 在线平台报价 京东全球购 ¥32.00 商品信息 国内外评价 商品名称:【临期促销】【澳洲直邮】SOLANDPSYLLIUMHUSK车前草畅通粉500G商品编号:1957012080店铺:袋鼠商城海外旗舰店商品毛重:0.522kg五谷粉分类:其它是否即食:非即食...
is a type ofsoluble fiberderived from the husks of the psyllium seed that is used as a bulk-forminglaxative. Psyllium husk powder, used in products like Metamucil, is mixed with water and taken by mouth to treat occasionalconstipationand maintainregular bowel movements. Psyllium is unlike some ...
White bread contains a high proportion of easily digestible starch, which contributes to an undesirable rapid increase in blood glucose concentration. This study investigated the effects of nonstarch polysaccharides (NSP) -xanthan gum, lambda-carrageenan and psyllium husk on the physical functionality and...