国外的焓湿图展示-ASHRAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART 热度: fusion chart导出图形excel,pdf 热度: 4. PsychrometricChart 授課時間:1week CompositionofHumidAir(濕空氣) DryAir(乾空氣) and WaterVapor(水蒸氣) T W 25 0 C,50%相對濕度 其W=0.01kgH
国外的焓湿图展示‐ASHRAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART 本人原创,转载请注明出处 欢迎评论 ——暖通浩浩 老外用的焓湿图,在国内比较冷门,我们可以拿来借鉴一下。对这方面有兴 趣的同行可以发邮件来和我交流,如果人比较多我可以考虑写个教程和大家一起 交流。 (焓湿图见下面,没看到的往下拉) 更多分享,敬请关注...
A psychrometric chart at 7500 feet and 22.653 inches of Mercury. Enthalpy in btu/lb dry air. https://www.ashrae.org/File%20Library/Technical%20Resources/Bookstore/UP3/IP-9.pdf Sponsored Links Related Topics • Air Psychrometrics Moist and humid air calculations. Psychrometric charts and ...
Based on the formulas suggested by ASHRAE, a generalized psychrometric chart for different pressures is constructed, using composite thermodynamic properties /p, p[subw]/p, and vp. A nomograph is given to relate these composite thermodynamic properties to the psychrometric variables , P[subwi] and...
Carmel Software offers more than 40 HVAC mobile apps for Apple iOS like the ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart iPad app
4. Create psychrometric processes by plotting points then connecting them with process lines. Also, create custom labels anywhere on the chart. 5. After you have completed creating the chart, you can email a list of all the points and their properties along with a PDF of the chart, itself....
You can zoom in or out of the chart by "pinching" the chart with your finger. Calculations Used All of the calculations used in the HVAC Psychrometric Chart application are derived from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2017 Handbook of Funda...
Based on the formulas suggested by ASHRAE, a generalized psychrometric chart for different pressures is constructed, using composite thermodynamic properties 蠁/p, p[subw]/p, and vp. A nomograph is given to relate these composite thermodynamic properties to the psychrometric variables 蠁, P[subwi]...
2004. Psychrometric Chart Celebrates 100th Anniversary. ASHRAE Journal. [http://bookstore.ashrae.biz/journal/download.ph p?file=22915gatley.pdf, access in 21/4/2010]Gatley, D. P. 2004. Psychrometric chart celebrates 100th anniversary. ASHRAE Journal 46(11):16-20....
ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart 4+ ASHRAE, Inc. Designed for iPad NT$690.00 iPad ScreenshotsDescription The HVAC Psychrometric Chart app is the first truly interactive graphical psychrometric chart for the iPad, and it includes both IP and SI units. It is now optimized for iOS 16. Using your ...