ASHRAE美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会关于数据中心温度和湿度限制的开创性改变 ASHRAE’s Groundbreaking Environmental Class Changes Class Changes Presented by Don Beaty, DLB Associates ©ASHRAE 2011 1
psychrometricchart,andFigure1Bshowsallowabletemperatureandhumidity -pointtemperatureandrelativehumidityarealso specified. 表1列出了一类、二类和NEBS的建议和允许环境要求,详细介绍见脚注。图1A中,在焓湿 图上给出了这两类推荐的环境要求;图1B中,在焓湿图上给出了这两类允许的环境要求。
23、gure 1 A shows recommended temperature and humidity conditions for these classes on a psychrometric chart, and Figure 1 B shows allowable temperature and humidity conditions. Note that dew-point temperature and relative humidity are also specified.表1列出了一类、二类和NEBS的建议和允许环境要求,详...
Figure 1 A shows recommended temperature and humidity conditions for these classes on a psychrometric chart, and Figure 1 B shows allowable temperature and humidity conditions. Note that dew-point temperature and relative humidity are also specified. 表1列出了一类、二类和NEBS的建议和允许环境要求,详细...
Figure 2: ASHRAE Thermal Guidelines for Datacom Equipment fourth edition psychrometric chart in SI units at sea level. These conditions pertain to the air entering the IT equipment. Refer to [5] for additional footnotes, including altitude de-rating and E...
Figure 1 A shows recommended temperature and humidity conditions for these classes on a psychrometric chart, and Figure 1 B shows allowable tempera 24、ture and humidity conditions. Note that dew-point temperature and relative humidity are also specified. 表1列出了一类、二类和NEBS的建议和允许环境...
betweentwospecificvariablesistobeexamined,thenasimplifiedThepsychrometricchartinFigure2showsaconstanttotal formoftheequationsuffices.Thetrade-offbetweenoperativeheatlosslineandtherelationshipbetweentheseindices.This temperatureandhumidityisoftenofinterest.Equation(28)canbelinerepresentsonlyonespecificskinwettednessandpermea...
Figur e 1 A shows recommended temperature and humidity conditions for these classes on a psychrometric chart, and Figure 1 B shows allowable tempe rature and humidity conditions. Note that dew-point temperature and relati ve humidity are also specified. IVUUlfT JiMMKFUra i 4怦eltiiit enpfiraoj...
Two new data center classes are created to achieve the most flexibility in the operation of the data center. The four data center classes including the two new ones (A3 and A4) are shown in the psychrometric chart below. A3 A4 A2 A1 Recommended Envelope Figure 2. ASHRAE Environmental ...
人力资源知识 ASHRAE 手册第章 数据处理和电信设施 CHAPTER 19 DATA PROCESSING AND TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES 第 19章 数据处理和电信设施 Design Criteria HVAC Load considerations HVAC Systems and Components Air Distribution Ancillary spaces Other Systems and considerations 设计标准 空调负荷注意事项 空调系统和组...