国外的焓湿图展示‐ASHRAE PSYCHROMETRIC CHART 本人原创,转载请注明出处 欢迎评论 ——暖通浩浩 老外用的焓湿图,在国内比较冷门,我们可以拿来借鉴一下。对这方面有兴 趣的同行可以发邮件来和我交流,如果人比较多我可以考虑写个教程和大家一起 交流。 (焓湿图见下面,没看到的往下拉) 更多分享,敬请关注...
betweentwospecificvariablesistobeexamined,thenasimplifiedThepsychrometricchartinFigure2showsaconstanttotal formoftheequationsuffices.Thetrade-offbetweenoperativeheatlosslineandtherelationshipbetweentheseindices.This temperatureandhumidityisoftenofinterest.Equation(28)canbelinerepresentsonlyonespecificskinwettednessandpermea...
psychrometricchart,andFigure1Bshowsallowabletemperatureandhumidity -pointtemperatureandrelativehumidityarealso specified. 表1列出了一类、二类和NEBS的建议和允许环境要求,详细介绍见脚注。图1A中,在焓湿 图上给出了这两类推荐的环境要求;图1B中,在焓湿图上给出了这两类允许的环境要求。
198 ASHRAE SYMP SEC 94-1-1994 1994-01-26 English Symposium Papers - Presented at the ASHRAE Winter Meeting - January 23-26, 1994 - New Orleans, Lousiana 199 ASHRAE 3736-1994 1994-01-01 English Psychrometric Chart 200 ASHRAE NO-94-28-1994 1994-01-01 English Laboratory HVAC Systems: Design...
Carmel Software offers more than 40 HVAC mobile apps for Apple iOS like the ASHRAE Psychrometric Chart iPad app
4. Create psychrometric processes by plotting points then connecting them with process lines. Also, create custom labels anywhere on the chart. 5. After you have completed creating the chart, you can email a list of all the points and their properties along with a PDF of the chart, itself....
23、gure 1 A shows recommended temperature and humidity conditions for these classes on a psychrometric chart, and Figure 1 B shows allowable temperature and humidity conditions. Note that dew-point temperature and relative humidity are also specified.表1列出了一类、二类和NEBS的建议和允许环境要求,详...
Ventilation and air conditioning design approach based on ASHRAE psychrometric chart and Mollier diagramdoi:10.3389/fbuil.2024.1372288Leinskis, ArtursStrauts, UldisMetals, MartinMillers, RenarsAfonicevs, ViktorsLópez-Fernández, EduardoFrontiers in Built Environment...
ASHRAE美国采暖、制冷与空调工程师学会关于数据中心温度和湿度限制的开创性改变 ASHRAE’s Groundbreaking Environmental Class Changes Class Changes Presented by Don Beaty, DLB Associates ©ASHRAE 2011 1