Unfortunately, doctor- and caregiver-dominated schizophrenia advocacy spaces devalue lived experience. More from Psychology Today Psychosis 3 Min Read 10 Subtle Signs of Psychosis The stereotype of a psychotic captures only the extreme end of the spectrum. Psychosis 5 Min R...
It’s said that mytype of bipolar disorder(bipolar II) rarely includes psychosis. I now know this is balderdash. These psychotic visual hallucinations do happen in bipolar II disorder, but people don’t know what they are...
I sit against the padded wall day in and day out. The entity brings me food and water. It masks itself as a kind nurse, as an unsympathetic doctor. I think it knows that my hearing has sharpened considerably now that I live in darkness. It fakes conversations in the hallways, on the...
The participants engaged in 8 weeks of moderate to high-intensity exercise inspired by CrossFit in a fitness facility near the OPUS treatment center. Groups met for one hour three times per week where the group participated in warm-up exercises, a few games (e.g., tag) and a workout of...
she had never seen one before. I thought she had a nervous breakdown but the doctor assured me it was hospital psychosis, and that she would get better once she got home. She has been home for 24 hours and seems to be getting a bit better but has a long way to go. Wish me luck...
Over time, during my stay at the Mother and Baby Unit being treated for postpartum psychosis, I increasingly realised that my theories were nonsense and I was seeing meaning where there was none. The remaining trouble was that now, with my mania on the way out, I was increasingly anxious ...