I can’t help but read over this journal and think back on the last few days and realize that I have not seen another person with my own eyes or talked to another person face to face. The webcam conversation with my friend was so strange, so vague, so… eerie, now that I think a...
Could W.E.B. Du Bois’ theory—that Black individuals exist in a state of constant self-surveillance, forced to see themselves through the eyes of a white supremacist society—help us better understand these experiences? This post explores the possibility that prolonged racialstress,identityduality...
I went to more doctors,therapists, bodyworkers, and healers than you can imagine in order to get help for my moods and these visions, but no one ever caught on to what was happening. I look back at the kind, but...
More and better-trained providers could help reduce episodes of psychosis, in turn preventing stories like Cohen’s. It might also curb the mortality rate for people like Cohen and me, who live, on average, 15 to 20 years shorter. Part of this stems from our increased...
To help your parent maintain their dignity and show your respect for them, try starting your sentences with affirming and supportive statements such as: I’m here to listen and help in any way I can. Your feelings are important to me. We can handle this together. You are safe. Speaking ...
are in a unique position to help. A big brother looked up to by a sibling with FPE may have a lot of influence because it can be easier to hear and accept something from a brother or sister than a parent. Siblings can be very close, so they are sometimes the first to identify signs...
The program was seen as a goal, and participants hoped it would make them feel better and lose weight. Additionally, there was a feeling that they might be re-energized by engaging in physical activity, as doing something positive for themselves was expected to help them “feel more human”...
Using neuroimaging to help predict the onset of psychosis. Neuroimage. 2017;145(pt B):209-217. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.075PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 54. Hager BM, Keshavan MS. Neuroimaging biomarkers for psychosis. Curr Behav Neurosci Rep. 2015;2015:1-10.PubMedGoogle Scholar ...
me her name is Hazel and that she hadn't meant to startle me, but it hurt so bad to be ground up suddenly in my molars after like three months of lonely saccharine darkness in something as ridiculous as a Cracker Jack box. She said it was much better being inside of me, although ...
To this day, when she sees a person living in the streets with clear signs of untreated psychosis, she thinks:That could so easily have been me. So when New York City Mayor Eric Adams announced a new initiative that authorizes police officers, with the help of mental health professionals, ...