We are actively seeking Australian, New Zealander, or British expats currently residing in Africa(Cape Town and Johannesburg), Vietnam (Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh), Thailand(Bangkok)the Philippines, Sri Lanka (Colombo) ,and India( Bangalore) “Everyday I help turn dreams into reality, and this is...
Young, M. B. (1997). Does employees' life status matter? marital and parent status as antecedents of work time and other work-related outcomes. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering. Zarakovsky, G. M., Medenkov, A. A., & Ryisakova, S. L. (199...
Second, the concept of flourishing in work contexts has only recently blossomed, thereby calling for more robust research to advance the understanding of the work-related phenomena. In their systematic review, Fabricio et al. (2022) did not find specific studies on “flourishing at work” during ...
Footnote 1 Hence, the present review focuses on seven environmental, personal, instructional, and well-being factors that are related to teachers’ emotion regulation. In the following section, we briefly review the findings of each related factor before the comprehensive meta-analysis is presented. ...