When I heard that Doctors Without Borders, also called Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), was looking for a physician to work in a refugee camp in Sri Lanka, I offered my services. One of the MSF staff who was recruiting for Sri Lanka interviewed me in her office in Paris, Fr...
Doctors may be in sub-optimal states even before the consultation has started. They can be hungry, angry, late or tired. Their personal lives may be a mess. Their personality may clash with the patients. They may have pre-conceived ideas about the patient which handicaps the consultation befo...
Gilbert worked with Doctors Without Borders and treated a staggering variety of illnesses suffered by poor and displaced people around the world. She has worked with patients in Mozambique (a pediatric hospital during a civil war), Sri Lanka (28,000 refugees in the north of the Island during ...
allopathic doctors in one experimental community and non-allopathic doctors in the other experimental community, and a culturally based therapeutic approach to treatment of patients presenting sexual health problems; and (c) evaluation of the intervention among patients and in the communities as a ...
Wickramasinghe, V., & Jayabandu, S. (2007). Towards workplace flexibility: Flexitime arrangements in Sri Lanka: Employee Relations Vol 29(6) 2007, 554-575. Wiesing, U. (2007). Ethical aspects of limiting residents' work hours: Bioethics Vol 21(7) Sep 2007, 398-405. ...
Such stories lead to two interrelated points. The first is the importance of chance conversations in both scientific discoveries and in medical care. Regarding the latter, doctors have long recognized this in the time-honored process of "curbside consults," in which one physician informally asks...