Psychology Notes: Chapter 1, Section 2Theories proved unfounded
Research on the psychology of learning has highlighted straightforward ways of enhancing learning. However, effective learning strategies are underused by learners. In this Review, we discuss key research findings on two specific learning strategies: spa
including (1) possession-defined success, reflecting the view that some of the most important achievements in life include acquiring material possessions; (2) acquisition centrality, indicating that people like a lot of expensive things in their lives; and (3) the acquisition...
Finally, continuing the point above concerning dual process models: they are undeniably popular, but it seems too much to say that there is “ general agreement that human thought is characterized by two distinct systems” [71] (chapter 1). Not only have Dijksterhuis et al. raised doubts, ...
Not to mention that I’m now applying more and more tasks to homework help that needs to be done correctly and my class has just updated my homework helper but in reality the homework help was not supposed to be in that area. BTW, what if I told people that they could as well work...
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students face victimization in multiple contexts, including the educational context. Here, teachers can serve as an import
will not be the focus of this class per se, but rather will be used to illustrate these important topics. To that end, each week a different student will be assigned to find a paper that illustrates the fuckedness (or lack thereof) of that week’s topic, and give a 15-minute ...
notably with respect to the notions which we formulated in section II. Terms which are abbreviating symbols are taken to designate a special class of 'psychological objects,' and thus one is led to ask questions about the 'essence' of these objects, and how they differ from 'physical object...
Instead, they want to compute probabilities that refer to frequencies within a class, such as the number of times out of hundred a result would be greater than a certain magnitude under pure chance given a certain N. But really, who cares? The only reason anybody cares about this ...
Chapter 8Sullivan: Interpersonal Theory219 mischievousness, cruelty, or other kinds of asocial or antisocial behavior. Sullivan expressed the malevolent attitude with this colorful statement: “Once upon a time everything was lovely, but that was before I had to deal with people” (p. 216). ...