Explores 4 psychological barriers that may interfere with the rehabilitation of older adults (aged 74+ yrs) who are partially sighted. Discussion focuses on possible contributory psychological factors and successful therapeutic approaches that rehabilitation workers can use with clients. (PsycINFO Database...
When people in their 30s to early 60s encounter hardships, mostly they are about external barriers that keep getting in their paths. So resilience in agency and pathways is important to maintaining hope that keeps people striving toward their goals. But in older people—and this study started wi...
Promoting psychological well-being in old adults through the pursuit of personal goalsBouffard, LeandreDube, MichelineLapierre, SylvieBastin, Etienne
Psychological distress among older adolescents and young adults in Australiacarpal tunnel syndromeoccupational injuriesoccupational diseasespublic healthNIOSHpopulation surveillancestate health departmentsYouth mental health has been specially targeted in the National Health Goals and Targets process for mental ...
Goals constitute an important construct in developmental psychology. They represent a central way in which individuals shape their development. Here, we pr
If this is the case, the differences between older and younger adolescents during the pandemic could not simply have a developmental explanation, but would reflect the different impact of the pandemic on these age groups. Method Participants To achieve the first and second goals of this study, ...
Psychological abuse of older adults is a hidden and pervasive problem that is not well conceptualized nor well measured. Goals. The goals were to (a) conceptualize psychological abuse using three-dimensional concept maps, and (b) develop theoretical models. Methods. Statements describing the ...
However, COR suggests that individuals' resource investment is not only driven by a need to create new resources but also by a commitment to achieving important goals (Halbesleben et al., 2014). This intimates that leisure high in seriousness can potentially constitute a competing domain of ...
2004, Formal volunteering as a protective factor for older adults’ psychological well-being Journals of Gerontology: Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 59B(5): S258–S264 Google Scholar Gross J.J., John O.P. 2003, Individual differences in two emotion regulation processes: ...
Changes in well-being across the lifespan: A cross-sectional survey of young, middle-age, and older adults(Unpublished doctoral dissertation). University of Manitoba, Manitoba. Landis, R. S., Beal, D. S., & Tesluk, P. E. (2000). A comparison of approaches to forming composite measures...