dr volandes and mx zupanc were co–first authors. drs lindvall and paasche-orlow were co–senior authors. dr volandes had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. concept and design: vol...
offering a professional and personal growth platform. The business sector’s diverse roles and adaptive technologies provide a fertile ground for these individuals to thrive and showcase their unique skills. By entering this dynamic field, young adults with disabilities are not just securing ...
A New Interprofessional Community-Service Learning Program, HATS (Health Ambassador Teams for Seniors) to Improve Older Adults Attitudes about Telehealth a... Senior population health often is underrepresented in curricula for medical and allied health students. Furthermore, entrenched and dense curricular...
Yoga can be fast-paced and intense, but it’s also a great choice for anyone that needs a slow and more gentle workout. It’s notoriously low-impact, easy on the bones and joints, and great for older adults or anyone rehabbing an injury. ...
A full sized goal should not be moved with less than four adults. Goals should not be dragged as this can cause damage to the goal and the playing surface. If the goal has fitted wheels these should be used correctly and in accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions. They should also...
We can carry that one step further and see that the same is true for us adults, as well. Our ego, or body based intellect, is always in the process of comparing ourselves to others around us and it’s a very normal thing for us to do as human beings. As with many things in ...
Although we are happy with our current spending, I've started mydecumulation phasegiven I'll be 46 in mid-2023. Some ideas for spending an additional $48,000 include: $5,000 donation to the Pomeroy Rehabilitation & Recreation Center for disabled children and adults ...
Reducing the environmental impact of the food supply is important for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) worldwide. Previously, we developed the Traditional Japanese Diet Score (TJDS) and reported in a global ecological study that the Japanese diet is associated with reducing obesity and ...
When someone asks me what my goals are for the coming year,I don't usually know how to reply.Of course I,as most people do,want to see an improvement in my grades.This year,however,I'm hoping for something different. Through the course of my school life,I've gradually developed a ...
Investment goals become moving targets for many individuals, with carefully laid-out plans running into roadblocks in the form of layoffs, unplanned pregnancies, health issues and the need to care for aging parents. Those unexpected challenges demand a dose of realism when choosing 401(k) allocation...