zoosAnimal welfare (sometimes termed well-being) is about feelings - states such as suffering or contentment that we can infer but cannot measure directly. Welfare indices have been developed from two main sources: studies of suffering humans, and of research animals deliberately subjected to ...
Based on this literature, the primary goal of the current study was to clarify the ‘distance-by-discomfort’ function of personal space processing, in ways that are complementary to prior experiments, in several respects. First, prior studies have typically investigated personal space across subjects...
Based on this literature, the primary goal of the current study was to clarify the ‘distance-by-discomfort’ function of personal space processing, in ways that are complementary to prior experiments, in several respects. First, prior studies have typically investigated personal space across subjects...
Duvall Antonacopoulos NM, Pychyl TA (2010) An Examination of the Potential Role of Pet Ownership, Human Social Support and Pet Attachment in the Psychological Health of Individuals Living Alone Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals . 23 : 37–54...