23,24 Psychiatric Disorders and Medication We used ICD-10 codes from the National Patient Register to identify any first inpatient or outpatient diagnosis of common psychiatric disorders during follow-up. Psychiatric disorders included depression, anxiety, stress-related disorders, substance use disorders,...
17,18 We included 5 categories of common psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia (ICD-10-CM code F20), bipolar disorder (ICD-10-CM codes F30-F31), depressive disorder (ICD-10-CM codes F32-F33), anxiety disorder (ICD-10-CM codes F40-F41), and sleep disorder (ICD-10-CM codes G47 and ...
We included all individuals aged 18 and older who were discharged from psychiatric health care services with a so-called “functional mental disorder”, covering schizophrenia, affective, anxiety and personality disorders with an ICD-10 [28] main diagnosis F2-F6 in 2012. In Norway forensic ...
primary independent variables were the presence of 5 psychiatric comorbid conditions, considered separately and in aggregate, identified by international classification of diseases, ninth revision, clinical modification (icd-9-cm) diagnosis codes captured during 1 or more outpatient encounters during the 12...
and any psychiatric disorder (each adjustedp = 0.004) and lower cross-disorder (p = 0.004), MDD (p = 0.008), and schizophrenia (p = 0.04) PGS. Cluster 2 was characterized by a higher family history of any psychiatric disorder (p = 0.005) and MDD (p = 0.0...
We defined severe mental disorders as being diagnosed with any of the following diagnoses (ICD-10): F20.X-F22.X (schizophrenia/schizophrenic disorders), F25.X (schizoaffective disorders), F30.X (mania), F31.X (bipolar affective disorder), F32.2-F32.3 (major depressive episodes), F33.X ...
(ICD-9-CM) codes 307.41, 307.42, 307.49, 780.50, 780.52, 780.55, 780.56, 780.59]; (ii) a diagnosis of a concomitant mental disorder (non-sleep-related) was recorded (ICD-9-CM codes 290-307.39, 307.5-319); (iii) a diagnosis of a depressive illness was recorded (ICD-9-CM codes ...
“Symptom” subtitle. Since some metal disorders could also be symptoms of the other disorders (e.g., depression is a symptom of suicide), the mental disorder names themselves are also incorporated as symptoms in this study. In total, 876 psychiatric symptoms are collected from these three ...
including oppositional defiant disorder; and (2) later-onset disorders, consisting of eating disorders, SUD, depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia spectrum disorders, and personality disorders (ICD-10 codes and age at diagnosis are shown in eTable 1 in the Supplement...
To focus on skin symptoms in the present study rather than on psoriasis-related joint symptoms, the Cox proportional hazards regression models also adjusted for psoriatic arthritis (ICD-10 code L40.5x). Patient follow-up began on the date of psoriasis onset, with the same date used for all ...