or first record of a dementia defined using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) codes F00 to F03, G30, and G31 in the National Patient Register; or record of the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical classification code N06D (...
Cause-specific mortality was defined using the underlying cause of death code as recorded in the Office for National Statistics death registry. Natural deaths consist of all ICD-10 codes, excluding V01-Y98. Unnatural deaths include V01-Y98 and suicides (including open verdicts X60-X84 and Y10...
In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10), the term correspondent to intellectual disability still is "mental retardation," and it is specified according to current severity on the basis of IQ scores: F70 mild, F71 moderate, F72 severe, and F73 profound mental ...
17,18 We included 5 categories of common psychiatric disorders: schizophrenia (ICD-10-CM code F20), bipolar disorder (ICD-10-CM codes F30-F31), depressive disorder (ICD-10-CM codes F32-F33), anxiety disorder (ICD-10-CM codes F40-F41), and sleep disorder (ICD-10-CM codes G47 and ...
Data on sex, age, ICD-10 diagnoses (main and secondary), and domicile were also collected from NPR. Descriptive characteristics of the study population at index admission are examined. The characteristics examined are place of admission (hospital/DPC/mix), type of admission (unplanned/planned), ...
Psychiatric diagnoses were subsequently categorized into treatment for any: mood disorder (ICD-10: F30–F39), anxiety disorder (ICD-10: F40–F42), or substance use disorder (ICD-10: F10–F19). In addition, more specific categorizations were made for major depressive disorder (ICD-10: F32,...
Human behaviours are guided by how confident we feel in our abilities. When confidence does not reflect objective performance, this can impact critical adaptive functions and impair life quality. Distorted decision-making and confidence have been associa
(ICD-9-CM) codes 307.41, 307.42, 307.49, 780.50, 780.52, 780.55, 780.56, 780.59]; (ii) a diagnosis of a concomitant mental disorder (non-sleep-related) was recorded (ICD-9-CM codes 290-307.39, 307.5-319); (iii) a diagnosis of a depressive illness was recorded (ICD-9-CM codes ...
14 Self-harm was defined based on ICD-8 and ICD-10 codes derived from a validated coding algorithm30 (definition in the eMethods in Supplement 1). We considered psychiatric emergency and self-harm as the most severe psychiatric outcomes and initiation of psycholeptics as less severe than the...
Measures Exposures and Outcomes The main exposure was ADHD identified by first diagnosis (ICD-10 code F90) from NPR or the first prescription of ADHD medications (methylphenidate hydrochloride [ATC code N06BA04], amphetamine [ATC code N06BA01], dextroamphetamine sulfate [ATC code N06BA02], and...