Flexible, modular products, underpinned by cutting-edge technology. Works for any airline as a ‘one-stop’ or bespoke solution and integrates with any system. A fresh perspective Our approach is born from deep travel experience and unconventional thinking. Our core belief is that airlines should ...
Works for any airline as a ‘one-stop’ or bespoke solution and integrates with any system. A fresh perspective Our approach is born from deep travel experience and unconventional thinking. Our core belief is that airlines should have more control over their technology. Built on solid foundations...
APassenger Service SystemorPSSis a network of software applications that help airlines manage all the passenger-related operations fromticketingto boarding. The PSS comprises three main modules. An airline or central reservation system contains information on schedules, fares, and reservations, manages boo...
TravelSky has been focusing on expanding their offerings and operations outside China. “The traditional system of TravelSky has been designed for relatively big-sized airlines such as Air China, China Eastern and China Southern. There was a need to...
德勒PSS 3000自包装呼吸装置说明书 Dräger PSS ® 3000Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus The Dräger PSS ®D -39885-201 1Anti-static, impact resistant,lightweight space frame Rubber fabric provides solid grip on cylinder Load distributing padding Rubber gauge cover provides impact protection Binding...
APSS Airline Passengers for Safer Skies APSS Aristo Parcel Shipping System APSS Associate Professional Soil Scientist APSS Austrian Payment System Services GmbH (Vienna, Austria) APSS Automatic Protection Switching System APSS Avant-Projet Sommaire Simplifié (French: Simplified Preliminary Draft Summary)...
航司不是为了单纯构建机票和附加服务的直销平台而投入和建设的,其内部还有旅客服务,运行控制等等一整套相关且相互作用和交互的企业级系统(Enterprise-Level System: System of Systems)。所以如何治理和定义单纯NDC与企业内部的交互和数据关联,AIDM就是关键。