1 求出在某 X 范围内的 最大值 求其最小 值 求取某 X 范围内的 最小值 求过冲时 的了大值 求过冲时 的最大值 (在某 X 值 的范围内) 求出峰峰 值 求出两个 值的差异 求出在同 一个 X 值 的值时 Y 值的差异 求脉冲的 宽度 上海银利电子有限公司 Pulsewidth_XRang e(1,begin_x,end_...
Make sure that dependent source gains are correct, and that B element expressions are reasonable. If you are using division in an expression, verify that division by 4、zero cannot occur. Make sure that there are no unrealistic model parameters; especially if you have manually entered the ...
文档标签: pspice计算机仿真 系统标签: pspice计算机仿真fourierfigcoefficientsvpluse PSPICE计算机仿真SimulationProgramwithIntegratedCircuitEmphasisCH13FOURIERSERIES傅立叶级数 Decay(衰减)13.1PulsedSourcesThepulseparametersare V1initialvalue(volts) V2pulsedvalue(volts) TDdelaytime(seconds) TRrisetime(seconds) TFfalltim...
A Double Pulse Test (DPT) circuit is commonly used to evaluate the switching energy loss of power devices such as MOSFETs. One of the parameters it assesses is the behavior during turn-on and turn-off transition times. MOSFETs can be built using different technologies, such as Silicon...
上海银利电子有限公司 器件 模型 模型 库 信号源 V1 VPULSE/Source 电阻 R1 R/Analog_p 电容 C1 CAnalog_p 地 0 0/Source 首先 ,我们要 来认 识一 下 关于 信号源 泉 的问题 ! 我们可以 发现 信号源 有 几个参数,这 几个参数 代表的 什么 意 思呢? 参数 含义 V1 初始值 V2 幅值 TD 延迟 ...
其中方波电源是在 Source.slb 库中的 VPULSE电源 . 对 VPULSE的属性设置如图 2.6 所示 . 各属性的意义列于表中 .表 3.1方波电源属性意义V1方波低电平V2方波高电平TD第一方波上升时间TR方波上升沿时间TF方波下降沿时间PW方波高电平宽度PER 方波周期图 2.6 VPULSE 的属性设置编辑完电路图后取名存盘.(2) 单击 ...
If so, I would use a separate Voltage source tied to the EN pins (Vpulse source) of each converter and configure it for your sequencing for the converter when you want to turn it on and off. Unfortunately, you will...
.Model <model name> NPN(PNP、LPNP) [model parameters]模型参数含义单位默认值备注AF flicker noise exponent 1.0 噪声指数 BF ideal maximum forward beta 100.0 最大正向放大倍数 BR ideal maximum reverse beta 1.0 最大反向放大倍数 CJC base-collector zero-bias p-n capacitance farad 0.0 集...
parameters that describe its shape as shown in figure 1. Figure 1. Parameters of VPULSE As an example we will simulate the simple RL circuit shown in figure 2 below. Note that the voltage input is a single 1-volt pulse that is 1 second in duration. Figure 2. Circuit with Pulse Input...