Welche Kostenbelastungen diese Biologika verursachen, untersuchte nun ein deutsches Forscherteam.doi:10.1055/a-1952-2657Aktuelle Rheumatologie
Anti-tumor necrosis factors (TNFs) are effective drugs for the treatment of psoriatic arthritis (PsA) regarding reduction of pain and inflammation, enthesitis, dactylitis, as well as psoriatic skin and nail disease. Moreover, radiographic progression in PsA is decelerated. The efficacy of anti-T...
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is classified as a spondylarthropathy based on its clinical and serological characteristics. The clinical manifestations and the association with psoriasis or nail psoriasis have led, together with immunological characteristics, to a further differentiation. The pathophysiological and...
einer aktiven Psoriasisarthritis, die auf konventionelle DMARDs (disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs), andere Immunsuppressiva wie Ciclosporin oder auf eine UV-Therapie nicht ausreichend ansprechen, besteht die Indikation zur Behandlung mit Biologika oder niedermolekularen Verbindungen (Small Molecules)...
BiologikaArthritis, PsoriaticPsoriasisSpondylarthropathyArthritisBiological productsPsoriatic arthritis (PsA) is classified as a spondylarthropathy based on its clinical and serological characteristics. The clinical manifestations and the association with psoriasis or nail psoriasis have led, together with ...
Stellenwert der Kombination von Biologika mit Methotrexat in der Behandlung der Psoriasisarthritis – Fragen bleiben offenPsoriasis ArthritisAntirheumatic agentsTumor necrosis factorUstekinumabInterleukinsBackground Concomitant methotrexate (MTX) improves the therapeutic effect of biologic therapies in rheumatoid ...
Biologika-Therapie bei Psoriasis-Arthritis in ?sterreichdoi:10.1007/s12688-018-0201-3class="pdf-preview__embed pdf-preview__embed--height" data="https://page-one.springer.com/pdf/preview/10.1007/s12688-018-0201-3" type="application/pdf" width="100%" data-component="SpringerLink.PdfPreview...