I will cry out to God and he will pay attention[ew] to me.2 In my time of trouble I sought[ex] the Lord.I kept my hand raised in prayer throughout the night.[ey]I[ez] refused to be comforted.3 I said, “I will remember God while I groan;I will think about him while my ...
What does the righteous man do that the wicked man won't? Listening to God (through His Word) is to hear God speak. Biblically, the man who truly hears God's Word, truly believes it; and the man who truly believes God's Word, truly obeys it. Another way to say it is this— ...
Names of God Names of Jesus Christian Art About Us Speaking Contact Us Dr. Wilson's Books Donations Watercolors Sitemap by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson Free E-mail Bible StudyApostle Peter: Disciple Lessons from the Rock You are free to print out a single set of notes for your own use in this...
Wilson. About the leader.Psalm 120. Calling on the Lord for Deliverance Psalm 121. The Lord Is Your Keeper Psalm 122. Let Us Go to the House of the Lord Psalm 123. Pleading for God's Mercy Psalm 124. God Is Our Help in Trouble Psalm 125. The Lord Surrounds His People Psalm 126. ...
The book of Proverbs teaches the readers and believers about godly wisdom and lifestyle with the foundation of the fear of the Lord (see Prov. 9:10) while the book of Psalm reveals to the readers and believers about the heart of God, the cry of the Israelites, prophecies about Jesus Chr...
23Shout Hallelujah, you God-worshipers; give glory, you sons of Jacob; adore him, you daughters of Israel. 24He has never let you down, never looked the other way when you were being kicked around. He has never wandered off to do his own thing; he has been right there, listening....
The book of Proverbs teaches the readers and believers about godly wisdom and lifestyle with the foundation of the fear of the Lord (see Prov. 9:10) while the book of Psalm reveals to the readers and believers about the heart of God, the cry of the Israelites, prophecies about Jesus Chr...
In Psalm 74, the worship leader cries out to God on behalf of an entire congregation in lament over the destruction of their sanctuary. While most church-going Americans have never experienced the tragedy of having a foreign power destroy their church, some know a fair bit about church split...
to turn to our neighbors. I am sitting on a row with just one other person so we meet in the middle and start praying. The first thing out of her mouth was God is going to bless you in your new business….and she went on for a few minutes about how God will bless my business ...
Book 3 (Psalms 73-89) Psalm 73 - A psalm by Asaph. Certainly God is good to Israel, and to those whose motives are pure. But as for me, my feet