简介 Snuggle scriptures help children sleep peacefully while listening to scriptures by topic. Think about the topic that would benefit your child the most. After making a selection, choose the background audio and how many times you want the scriptures to repeat. Then allow the word of God to...
How many people do you think read the Bible very often, often, not often, or hardly at all? If you are among those who read “not often” or “hardly at all”, why is that true? Are you able to you know the heart of God without listening to Him?
Communication involves talking "with" someone not "at" them or even just "to" them; it's a balance of talking and listening that brings a connection. And that is true, but prayer is so much more...it is communion with God. Prayer connects us to God in such a way that we become ...
Is it true a magic toad and a bloody ghost helped bring forth scripture? Tune into the Sunstone History Podcast as Bryan Buchanan and Lindsay Hansen Park discuss the history of Mormon scriptures with Brian Hales, Sarah Stone, Kalani Tonga, Christopher C. Smith, and Sheldon Kent...
Many believers think there is only one correct way (their way!) to worship, but I doubt this. Daddy-God (“Abba”) loves all his children equally, and doesn’t give a rip about human institutions where people are taught to beat each other over their heads with their holy texts!
King Benjamin begins by inviting those listening to his words to“…open your ears that ye may hear, and your hearts that ye may understand, and your minds that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to your view.” (Mosiah 2:9)How important is this? We should not lean solely on our ...
This sūtra contains the vows made by Jizō to save all sentient beings, and stories about Jizō’s prior lives before becoming a Bodhisattva. Chapter 13 of this document also includes the 28 Benefits to be gained by venerating Jizō and by listening, reading, or chanting this sūtra. One ...
When we are talking about interpretation, and we are talking about awho, we are ultimately talking about God. The doctrines of the Christian faith are divine truths, and discerning them in Scripture cannot be done apart from the illumination of the Holy Spirit. His work is not...
And Sarah was listening at the tent entrance behind him. 11 Now Abraham and Sarah were old, advanced in age; it had ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women. 12 So Sarah laughed to herself, saying, "After I have grown old, and my husband is old, shall I have pleasure?"...
It strikes me that God would want to heal them. And so, He does. I highly recommend this video as Todd’s testimony is compelling. Dr. Brown Asks Todd White About Leg Growing. Dr. Brown asks Todd some honest questions about controversies in his ministry. Previous articles A Friendly ...