II. God's presence is in the yet untrodden ways of human history. There came sometimes to the untravelled Israelites a perception that the world was very large. The ninth verse of this Psalm gives us an image of the Psalmist, standing by the sea-shore, watching as the rising sun broadens...
139.20you:One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 20. Contemporary English Version(CEV) Copyright © 1995 byAmerican Bible SocietyFor more information about CEV, visitwww.bibles.comandwww.cev.bible. PLUSDo your Biblical studies anywhere! Access $3,100 worth of premium resource...
Verse 20. - For they speak against thee wickedly; literally, who speak of thee for wickedness; i.e. use thy Name for the accomplishment of wicked ends. And thine enemies take thy Name in vain. The text must be altered to produce this meaning. As it stands, it can only be rendered,...
As it stands here, the meaning of verse 7 may be: “As a farmer breaks up the soil and brings up the rocks, so the bones of the wicked will be scattered without a decent burial” (see Ps 79:2-3). Psalm 141:8 The psalmist prays for deliverance and for vindication, for he ...
Meaning of Psalm 23 1. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want Only a shepherd could write Psalm 23, and David was a shepherd. The Lord is the Shepherd of His people and they are His sheep; so David said, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” ...
In this verse, the psalm assures us that God can keep us, though evil and death threaten us. It’s true that bad things may still happen. But we affirm God’s ultimate power, that life ultimately has meaning and purpose and the divine presence. But like our psalmist, we need that ...
In this beautiful verse fromPsalm 108, David reminds us of how grateful we should be for God’s goodness and faithfulness to us and how we should exalt His most holy name. How great His love is.“A love higher than the heavens and a faithfulness that reaches to the skies.” ...
I have really thought about tattooing this verse on my forehead!! There have been so many times when I have said things out of emotion or kept talking when I should have just zipped it. I cringe when I think back on certain conversations, and I wish I could have a “do-over.” I ...
Next to this verse in the margin of his Bible, George Mueller wrote: “And the stops too” (1). Just what might God be doing during the stops? He often uses wait time to work on our character, transforming pride into humility, doubt into faith, weakness into strength, and impatience ...
Psalm 104:6 sn Verse 6 refers to the condition described in Gen 1:2 (note the use of the Hebrew term תְּהוֹם [tehom,“watery deep”] in both texts). Psalm 104:8 tn Heb“from your shout they fled, from the sound of your thunder they hurried off.”sn Verses 7...