Cancer CentersThe prostate specific antigen (PSA) blood test is used in routine prostate cancer screening for men over 50, and elevated PSA levels typically result in referral for a prostate biopsy. In a study published in the May 28 Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers from...
Given the uncertainties with PSA test results, only a prostate biopsy (removal of prostate tissue through an invasive procedure for analysis) can diagnose prostate cancer. RELATED: What a High PSA Level Means if It’s Not Prostate Cancer
deKernion JB, Ratliff TL, Kavoussi LR, Dalkin BL. Selection of optimal prostate specific antigen cutoffs for early detection of prostate cancer: receiver operating characteristic curves. J Urol 1994;152(6Pt1):2037-2042.
"There is currently no single test for prostate cancer, but PSA blood tests are among the most used, alongside physical examinations, MRI scans and biopsies. "However, PSA blood tests are not routinely used to screen for prostate cancer, as results can be unreliable. "Only about a quarter o...
That’s Correct. PSA results are without merit in testing for prostate cancer. However, from the way we have been commonly educated, I have seen men go into an absolute panic...
if he decides to be tested./p pConclusion/p pThis study indicates that PSA testing in asymptomatic men is a regular occurrence in the UK, and that there is general support from GPs for the current policy of making PSA tests available to informed men who are concerned about prostate cancer...
While there is no doubt that in individuals early detection of organ confined disease with localised treatment the prostate cancer can be eradicated and individual men be cured there are uncertainties whether mass screening a population will contribute to reducing prostate cancer related mortality. Its ...
【23】第二项大型试验,欧洲前列腺癌症筛查随机研究(ERSPC,European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer),比较了随机分配到基于PSA筛查或不筛查的男性前列腺癌症死亡率。与PLCO一样,ERSPC中筛查出前列腺癌症的男性比对照组...
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a commonly used test to detect prostate cancer. Attention has mostly focused on the use of PSA in screening asymptomatic patients, but the diagnostic accuracy of PSA for prostate cancer in patients with symptoms is less well understood. Methods A systematic data...
1. Desantis CE, Miller KD, Goding Sauer A, Jemal A, Siegel RL. Cancer statistics for African Americans, 2019. CA Cancer J. Clin. 69(3), 211–233 (2019). 2. Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results . Cancer...