First and foremost, having a lower PSA level does not automatically mean that a person has prostate cancer. It’s essential for individuals to understand that a low PSA can be indicative of other conditions such as obesity, diabetes, or the use of certain medications. It’s crucial to consul...
The remaining 43 patients are the subjects of this analysis and were evaluated to determine the clinical threshold or minimal serum PSA level after RRP indicative of progressive disease. Patients were followed for 6 to 36 months (median 23 months) from the date of the RRP. Failure was defined...
Prostate Cancer Foundation1Post-RP = PSA 0.2ng/ml is indicative of biochemical recurrence Post-RT = PSA nadir + 2ng/ml is indicative of biochemical recurrence Randox Ultra-low PSA Control We are excited to introduce Randox’s latest innovation, the Ultra-low PSA Control, designed to assist in...
Hormone-refractory prostate cancer was defined as follows: serum castration level of testosterone; three consecutive increases in the PSA level, resulting in two 50% increases over the nadir; anti-androgen withdrawal for at least 4 weeks; PSA progression despite secondary hormonal manipulation; or ...
Up until May 1997, patients with a serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) level of Z4.0 ng/ml, an abnormal digital rectal examination and/or abnormal transrectal ultrasound underwent lateralized sextant prostate needle-biop- sies. As from May 1997, a biopsy was indicated by a PSA level of Z...
A PSA recurrence, which was indicative of progression of prostate cancer, was defined as a persistent increase of PSA from the nadir value of ⩽0.04 ng ml−1. The median follow-up time of patients still relapse-free at the end of analysis was 50 months (mean: 61.9 months). ...
serumPSAmeasuremenlbyIuminescenlimmunoas. saybeforeoperationandwereclassifiedaccordingtopost—operativepathologydiagnosis.Weanalyzedthecorrelationsof{he bonemetastasisincidencesanddifferenfpathologicalgradesordifferenfPSAIevels.Results:Bonescanswereindicative ofmetastasesin33cases(42.86%).Significantlyhigherincidenceof...
"Elevated or rising PSA level after radical therapy is indicative of recurrent or residual PCa ," say Fritz Schroder (Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) and colleagues. "Treatment options in men with biochemical progression after radical therapy are limited; therefore, a treatment ...
Analysis of urinary PSA glycosylation is not indicative of high-risk prostate cancerBarrabésSílviaLlopEstherFerrer-BatalléMontserratRamírezManelAleixandreRosaingentaconnectClinica Chimica Acta
of acetylation of histone H3 at lysine residue K27 (H3K27ac), indicative of regulatory regions, in primary prostate epithelial cells. They-axis shows the ChIP-seq signal for the H3K27ac mark represented as negative log10of theP-value and thex-axis shows the genomic location (hg38). The...