[34] Payne H, Cornford P. Prostate-specific antigen: an evolving role in diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment evaluation in prostate cancer. Urol Oncol. 2011 Nov-Dec;29(6):593-601. [35] Pannek J, Partin AW. The...
A multicenter study of nonmetastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (nmCRPC) was conducted to identify the optimal cut-off value of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) doubling time (PSADT) that correlated with the prognosis in Japanese nmCRPC. Of the 515 patients diagnosed and treated for nmCRPC...
The role of PSA and percent free PSA for staging and prognosis prediction in clinically localized prostate cancer. Semin Urol Oncol. 1998 Aug;16(3):100-105. 摘要 前列腺特异性抗原 ( PSA ) 是当今前列腺癌男性早期 发现,分期和监测的最重要的肿瘤标志物.然而,其 敏感性和特异性不足以将其用作筛查...
4H). Collectively, Thr163 PSA was associated with highest metastatic tumour burden, including bone metastases, which is consistent with our observations for the behaviour of these cells in-vitro, suggestive of a relationship with the poor prognosis of the patients, carrying the rs17632542 SNP, ...
Although PSA bounce can be of concern for both the patient and physician, paradoxically, it is often associated with an improved prognosis (Patel et al, 2004; Ciezki et al, 2006; Mitchell et al, 2008; Bernstein et al, 2013). To date, no satisfactory explanation for this phenomenon has ...
3,4 The prognosis for low- and intermediate-risk localized prostate cancer is excellent,5 and although there is fair-quality evidence that screening by PSA testing reduces prostate cancer deaths,6 debate continues about the trade-off between the mortality benefit and risks of harm from over...
The prognosis of mCRPC patients ranges from a few months to several years and is influenced by multiple factors. Several studies have identified predictive bio markers of resistance to hormonal therapies. For exam ple, Wnt pathway genes have been associated with resistance to AA20 and ...
in the context of a disseminated systemic symptomatic disease.3,4,27 Early diagnosis of visceral disease – and particularly brain par enchymal involvement – is crucial, possibly positively impacting on patient's management and prognosis.28 MRI is the modality of choice for the detection of ...
Detection of serum PSA,TNF⁃α and Bax⁃α level shows clini⁃ cal value for diagnosis,treatment and prognosis prediction of prostate cancer. 【 Key words】 prostate cancer; prostatic specific antigen;TNF⁃α; Bax⁃α 由男性重要的性腺器官前列腺引起的疾病在不同 的年 龄阶段有不同的特点...
The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test is the accepted biomarker of tumor recurrence. PSA levels in serum correlate with disease progression, thoug