If this error occurs, your data may be corrupted. If data is corrupted, try creating new data or reinstalling the data: Back up your save data fromSettings>Application Saved Data Management. Highlight the application, press the OPTIONS button and selectDelete. ...
SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ENOEXEC CE-30008-1 0x80020008 Exec format error / Error occurred while launching the content // Step 1: Reboot the console. Step 2: Delete the application and install it again (back up data just in case). Step 3: If using a disc, make sure there are no fingerprints...
SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ENOEXEC CE-30008-1 0x80020008 Exec format error / Error occurred while launching the content // Step 1: Reboot the console. Step 2: Delete the application and install it again (back up data just in case). Step 3: If using a disc, make sure there are no fingerprints...
Былалиэтастатьяполезной? Нужнапомощь? Свяжитесьсоспециалистаминашейслужбыподдержки Обратитесьвслужбуподдержки PlayStation...
SCE_APP_INSTALLER_ERROR_NOSPACE_KERNEL CE-35694-7 0x80a30010 -2136801264 2158166032 SCE_APP_INSTALLER_ERROR_NOT_INSTALL CE-34628-3 0x80a3000e -2136801266 2158166030 SCE_APP_INSTALLER_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY CE-33176-0 0x80a30007 -2136801273 2158166023 SCE_APP_INSTALLER_ERROR_PARAM CE-33172-...
Jos näet tämän virheilmoituksen, tiedot saattavat olla vioittuneita. Yritä luoda uusia tietoja tai asenna tiedot uudelleen: Varmuuskopioi tallennetut tiedot kohdastaAsetukset>Sovelluksen tallennettujen tietojen hallinta. Korosta sovellus, paina OPTIONS-näppäintä ja valitsePo...