CE-32930-7 硬盘上下载的数据可能已损坏。 转到主屏幕,当屏幕上突显内容图标时,按 "选项键”。选择删除可删除内容。 再次下载内容。 本文是否对你有帮助? 需要帮助? 联系我们的支持专家 联系PlayStation 支持服务
ps4光盘无法启动应用程序ce32930-7 故障代码。PlayStation4(简称PS4)是索尼互动娱乐有限公司于2013年11月15日起在北美发行的家用游戏机。在该光盘上显示的故障代码ce32930-7是由于硬盘驱动器上下载的数据已损坏。
错误代码ce-329..近期玩的游戏,psn什么的都正常进,之前下载后的游戏玩了一段时间,没有通关,再次进入就显示ce-32930-7是什么情况,血缘,战神4 ,德雷克,蜘蛛侠都不行
CE-34544-0 The database is likely to be partially corrupted as required information to start the application cannot be found. E-8200002A Credit or debit card information is invalid WC-40345-6 Credit or debit card information is invalid NW-31253-4 A network error occurred. Response from DNS...
SCE_KERNEL_ERROR_ENOMEM CE-30012-6 0x8002000C Cannot allocate memory / Internal error // Step 1: Update the PS4 system with the latest system software. Step 2: If the software is up to date and the error continues, backup all saved data. Delete the application with the error and insta...
SCE_BGFT_ERROR_TASK_NOENT CE-32930-7 0x80990019 -2137456615 2157510681 SCE_BGFT_ERROR_TIME_IS_PAST CE-36243-8 0x80990076 -2137456522 2157510774 SCE_BGFT_ERROR_UNEXPECTED_EOF CE-35669-9 0x8099006b -2137456533 2157510763 SCE_BGFT_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_DELTA_PACKAGE CE-36247-2 0x8099007a ...
CE-32930-7 Downloaded data on HDD is likely to be corrupted. Go to the Home Screen and press the OPTIONS button while highlighting the icon of the content. Select Delete to delete the content. Download the content again. Was this article helpful?
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CE-32930-7 Вероятно, загруженныеданныенажесткомдискечастичноповреждены. Выберитенаначальномэкранезначокданныхинажмитекнопку OPTIONS. ВыберитеУда...