IT之家2 月 27 日消息,索尼 PlayStation 副产品管理总监 Hiromi Wakai 在近日采访中透露,云端串流掌机 PlayStation Portal 的需求表现超出索尼的预期。 Wakai 表示,虽然目前无法公布具体销量数据,但 Portal 的需求一直高于预期。她坦言,最初市场对于 Portal 出现质疑的声音并不令人感到意外,因为“Portal 从一开始就旨...
Scopri in che modo il lettore remoto PlayStation Portal può trasformare come, dove e quando giochi ai tuoi giochi PlayStation preferiti e offrirti più libertà di gioco che mai.
Versione 4.0.1 Abbiamo migliorato le prestazioni e la stabilità del software di sistema. Abbiamo migliorato i messaggi e l'usabilità di alcune schermate. Aggiornamenti precedenti del software di sistema per PS Portal
How to set up a team operations portal with Zapier Get productivity tips delivered straight to your inbox Subscribe We’ll email you 1-3 times per week—and never share your information. Lindsay Rothlisberger Lindsay leads the RevOps team at Zapier and is based in San Diego, California. She...
Trial Chambers are the newest structure in Minecraft 1.21, so seeds containing them at the start like this one are welcome sights. This Trial Chamber is even cooler for Java players because it holds a ruined portal. The portal's Netherrack seeps through the walls, contrasting nicely with the ...
"After more than a month of hard work, PPSSPP is running natively on PlayStation Portal. Yes, we hacked it. With help from xyz and [Google engineer Calle Svensson]," Nguyen had wrote on Twitter in a February post. Sony says it is pleasantly surprised by the Portal's...
✅有些项目可以在项目官网找到PS文书的要求,但有些项目需要进入到portal以后才能看到具体的要求。比如这里哥大的DS研究生项目就需要注册账号后进入到portal才能看到 ❗️在看文书要求时可以重点关注一下几方面 有没有给出具体的题目(比如这里就没有) 有没有学校希望你写出的内容(学术/工作经历等) 格式要求 3...
I will try it. LikeLikedUnlikeReply EmersonUmbinger (Siemens Employee) 3 years ago HI @Shanhai1681112015844, Does it work for you? LikeLikedUnlikeReply Shanhai1681112015844 3 years ago Yes, it works now. Thanks Mr. Umbinger. LikeLikedUnlikeReply1 like Log In to Answer...
We have received some of the best temporary staff with excellent work ethic and we appreciate all of the hard work that the staff does to ensure our requests are met- especially when we have last-minute requests. This company is the best! Hospitality Operations Manager BesTemps has been ...
C# - How to execute multiple Powershell commands one after the other Calculating total size of objects in a directory, grouped by extension Call a batch file with parameters passed to it Call function with parameters invoke -command powershell call method from .Net class library using powershell...