探索新一代的PlayStation 4和PS5主机,用数千款各种类型的热门游戏来感受沉浸式游戏体验,重新改写PlayStation主机的游戏规则。
IT之家 11 月 20 日消息,众所周知,索尼 PlayStation Portal 是一款串流掌机,需借助 PS5 的串流功能才能实现远程游玩,亚版定价 1580 港币(IT之家备注:当前约 1469 元人民币)及 6480 新台币(当前约 1448 元人民币)。 今天,索尼宣布为 PlayStation Portal 提供系统更新,新增 PS5 游戏(暂不支持 PS3 和 PS4 ...
IT之家11 月 20 日消息,众所周知,索尼 PlayStation Portal 是一款串流掌机,需借助 PS5 的串流功能才能实现远程游玩,亚版定价 1580 港币(IT之家备注:当前约 1469 元人民币)及 6480 新台币(当前约 1448 元人民币)。 今天,索尼宣布为 PlayStation Portal 提供系统更新,新增 PS5 游戏(暂不支持 PS3 和 PS4 ...
IT之家11 月 18 日消息,YouTube 频道 Jacob R 在近日发布的一期视频中,拆解了索尼的 PlayStation Portal 串流游戏掌机,表示玩家自行维修比较困难。 他在拆解 PlayStation Portal 串流游戏掌机之后,发现了一颗型号为 SG4150P 的定制高通处理器,预估可能是定制高通骁龙 680/685 芯片,负责传输图像和处理数据。IT之家...
This guide shows how to remove and replace the USB-C and headphone ports for your PlayStation Portal. The ports reside on a small, modular board. You'll likely need a replacement battery for this repair. The ports are tucked underneath the battery, and the battery can be easily bent or...
Experience an all-new generation of incredible PlayStation games. Find out more Buy now PS5 Console PS5 Pro DualSense™ Wireless Controller PlayStation Portal™ Remote Player PULSE Elite™ Wireless Headset PULSE Explore™ Wireless Earbuds ...
DualSense™ Wireless Controller PlayStation Portal™ Remote Player PULSE Elite™ Wireless Headset PULSE Explore™ Wireless Earbuds DualSense Edge Access™ Controller PS5 Console Covers Media Remote HD Camera Great PS4 & PS5 games out now or coming soon New releases Coming soon AS...
No, using PlayStation Portal™ Remote Player and PlayStation® Remote Play does not require a PlayStation Plus membership**. If you are using Remote Play to play a game that requires a PS Plus membership to access multiplayer, then you would need to have an active membership to access ...
What’s ‘eh’ about PlayStation Portal Easily the biggest question mark I have about Portal is how its usability may vary depending on your personal situation. Your mileage may vary I was only really able to try it on my home network and at the Mashable office, and as I said earlier,...
To convert content to CHD format, use the chdman tool found inside the latest MAME distribution and point it to a .cue file, like so:chdman createcd --input foo.cue --output foo.chd Note that the tool currrently does not integrate .sbi files into the .chd, so these must be placed...