二、准备安装Windows 10 22H2系统,按照常规安装即可完成。 注:安装成功后记的虚拟机硬件将CD/DVD驱动器的镜像文件移除。选择CD/DVD驱动器→编辑CD/DVD Driver→不使用任何介质→OK,否则备份恢复时会出现错误提示。 阅读剩余 9%
Windows系统安装完成后,右键开始菜单 - 设备管理器,可以看到很多黄色叹号,说明驱动程序未安装 设备管理器 资源管理器 - CD驱动器 virtio-win-0.1.221 文件夹,双击“virtio-win-gt-x64”进行安装 virtio-win-gt-x64 按向导安装即可 Virtio-win-driver-installer 安装结束后,正常情况下仅剩一个黄色叹号,右键 - 更...
Windows Easy Install向导可以协助完成大部分的安装工作。 配置Windows里面的用户信息,窗口如下所示。 启动已经安装的Windows XP,进行最后的配置工作。显示的窗口如下: Windows Easy Install向导会自动安装VMware Tools。VMware Tools优化了显卡的显示功能,并且加入了Balloon Driver等内存管理功能,可以显著改善虚拟机的性能。...
1、下载并安装Winfsp,下载地址: https://github.com/billziss-gh/winfsp/ 安装自理。 2、安装virtio-win,但正常安装windows虚拟机后都已经安装过,此步骤不需要,礼貌保留: virtiofs PCI device driver https://github.com/virtio-win/virtio-win-pkg-scripts/blob/master/README.md https://fedorapeople.org/grou...
git clone https://github.com/ghostrider-reborn/realtek-r8101-linux-driver r8168驱动:github.com/mtorromeo/r8 (3)打开驱动文件夹 cd realtek-r8101-linux-driver (4)移除r8169驱动 此步骤建议在物理机操作,操作完毕会导致物理机网络异常,无法远程管理 sudo modprobe -r r8169 (5)屏蔽r8169驱动 sudo sh ...
1、上传Windows Server 2019镜像,点开“local”存储,点击“内容”,点击“上传”,选择iso镜像上传 2、点击“创建虚拟机”按钮,勾上“高级”,勾上“开机自启动”,名称填入虚拟机名称(例如Win2019),点击“下一步” 3、选择“使用CD/DVD光盘镜像文件(ISO)”,存储选择local,ISO镜像选择刚才上传的镜像,操作系统选择“...
Correct, the auto-loading of the CD drivers was detecting normally during install for the disk drivers. The SPICE driver is only needed if you use the SPICE access from proxmox GUI for a smoother console experience, for RDP/other remote access tools I don't believe it's needed. Reactions:...
i cant start Windows 11 VM: swtpm_setup: Not overwriting existing state file. kvm: -device ide-cd,bus=ide.0,unit=1,drive=drive-ide1,id=ide1,bootindex=103: Can't create IDE unit 1, bus supports only 1 units stopping swtpm instance (pid 557321) due to QEMU startup error TASK ERRO...
A bare-metal installation may be better, but I had to follow my intrusive thoughts and run a Proxmox server on top of my Windows 11 PC
If you see the SCSI controller, right-click it, select “update driver,” and then select “Browse my computer for drivers.” Locate the CD drive and click OK, then Next. You should now get a message that Windows has successfully updated your drivers. ...