[微软官方] 本地内核模式调试教程:https://learn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/performing-local-kernel-debugging ProxmoxVE下的Windows内核调试环境配置指南:https://paper.seebug.org/2052/ Windows内核调试全面解析:https://1one/windows-kernel-debug.html ...
网络双机调试除了对系统版本有要求,对网卡也有一定的要求,支持的厂商和型号可以查阅https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/supported-ethernet-nics-for-network-kernel-debugging-in-windows-10;除此之外,还需要两台主机位于同一子网内。 那么我们需要在 ProxmoxVE 再添加一台 windows10...
网络双机调试除了对系统版本有要求,对网卡也有一定的要求,支持的厂商和型号可以查阅 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/supported-ethernet-nics-for-network-kernel-debugging-in-windows-10 ;除此之外,还需要两台主机位于同一子网内。 那么我们需要在 ProxmoxVE 再添加一台 window...
网络双机调试除了对系统版本有要求,对网卡也有一定的要求,支持的厂商和型号可以查阅 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/supported-ethernet-nics-for-network-kernel-debugging-in-windows-10 ;除此之外,还需要两台主机位于同一子网内。 那么我们需要在 ProxmoxVE 再添加一台 windows...
This is a set of best practices to follow when installing a Windows 10 guest on a Proxmox VE server 6.x. Right now it's a work in progress. InstallPrepareTo obtain a good level of performance, we will install the Windows VirtIO Drivers during the Windows installation. ...
Hello, My windows 10 VM gets stuck on this screen. I thought I did everything correctly, but it looks like I missed something. Parts: Ryzen 7 1700 Aorus...
my Windows 10 vm had no virtio drivers whatsoever. And reinstalling virtio-win-0.1.215 did not do the trick. I had to manually remove ALL virtio drivers and folders, reboot and do a fresh installation with virtio-win-0.1.215. Is virtio-win-0.1.217 not for Windows 10 but for Windows ...
With these drivers installed, your hard drive should show up now. Select it and click theNewbutton to create the required partitions. ClickNext, and the Windows installation will start. Time to grab a coffee refill, this'll take about 10 minutes or so depending on your hardware. ...
"The Windows drivers could be easier (unlike manually installing Ballon, QEMU and optionally SPICE, VIRTio, etc.)" What is our primary use case? We are now running it in full HA production vs XCP-NG and VMWware 6.7u3p We have multiple VMs on 6 hosts for Proxmox, 5 hosts on XCP-NG...
1、创建虚拟机忽略。注意需要新建2个CDROM。一个为windows磁盘。一个为virtio驱动。virtio下载地址https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/quick-docs/creating-windows-virtual-machines-using-virtio-drivers/index.html,最好在显卡设置上,设置为spcie。有更好的显示效果。区别请见pve三种控制台对比 ...