你可以尝试使用以下命令测试 SSH 连接: bash ssh -T git@github.com 如果提示需要输入密码,说明 SSH 密钥认证未成功,需要重新检查 SSH 密钥的设置。 通过上述步骤,你应该能够解决 fatal: protocol 'ssh' is not supported 的问题。如果问题依旧存在,可能需要更详细地检查 Git 和 SSH 的配置,或者咨询相关的...
三、参考链接 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53988638/git-fatal-protocol-https-is-not-supported
执行scp出错 xx@system1:~$ scp -p2222 xx@192..xx.xx.xx:/home/aa.dat . scp: SSH protocol v.1 is no longer supported以为是 SSH版本不对,最后发现是参数要用大写,**要用大写** xx@system1:~$ scp -P2222 xx@…
Git问题:Git clone 时遇到fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported问题解决方案 复现 widows中Git Bash 里执行 clone命令报错protocol ''https'' is not supported 原因 在粘贴地址时使用了CTRL +V, 在Git Bash中没有效果,然后我们就会使用右键菜单中的粘贴,但是不幸的是,使用CTRL +V会在Git Bash 中添加一个...
The SSH Client is a tool used on your laptop, workstation or even mobile device. Depending on your OS, you’ll have SSH installed by default. If using Windows, you’ll have to pick a SSH client if you’re not using WSL. After you’ve made your first few connections, you’ll quickl...
Well, sftp with ssh key authentication is the only mode of connection authorized to upload files on gna.org. So, this is the only way I found to store the packages generated by the build process. Contributor BanzaiMan commented Aug 23, 2014 Does sftp suffice if ssh key is set up corre...
KnownSshPublicAccess KnownSslConfigStatus KnownStackMetaLearnerType KnownStatus KnownStochasticOptimizer KnownStorageAccountType KnownTargetAggregationFunction KnownTargetLagsMode KnownTargetRollingWindowSizeMode KnownTaskType KnownTriggerType KnownUnderlyingResourceAction KnownUnitOfMeasure KnownUsageUnit KnownUseStl Known...
shell subsystem. Modern scp that use the sftp subsystem are supported. The WinSCP SCP protocol should only be used for very old and highly insecure ssh servers that offer legacy SCP/Shell and do not offer sftp. There is no benefit to using SCP so the connection should be switched to SFTP...
SSH (4401) SM CLP (4402) SMTP (4403) LDAP (4404) RDP (4405) HTTPS (4406) DMTF 保留 (4407 32767) 供应商预留 (32768 65535) ProtocolType 数据类型:uint16 访问类型:只读 限定符:Deprecated(“CIM_ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType”)、ModelCorrespondence(“CIM_ProtocolEndpoint....
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: Server chose TLSv1, but that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client. 报错显示:服务器端采用TLSv1 版本协议 (前身是ssl),但是客户端不支持或者未开启该版本 我本地是开发,使用okhttp去访问的该https网站,这证明是该端协议不支持 ...