通常,Git默认就支持SSH协议,因为它直接依赖于系统的SSH客户端。但是,如果系统上没有安装SSH客户端,或者Git配置有误,就可能导致这个问题。 检查SSH客户端:确保您的系统上安装了SSH客户端(如OpenSSH)。在大多数Linux和MacOS系统上,SSH客户端是预装的。在Windows上,您可能需要单独安装它或使用Git Bash(它包含了Git和...
三、参考链接 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53988638/git-fatal-protocol-https-is-not-supported
Git问题:Git clone 时遇到fatal: protocol 'https' is not supported问题解决方案 复现 widows中Git Bash 里执行 clone命令报错protocol ''https'' is not supported 原因 在粘贴地址时使用了CTRL +V, 在Git Bash中没有效果,然后我们就会使用右键菜单中的粘贴,但是不幸的是,使用CTRL +V会在Git Bash 中添加一个...
暂存修改git stash 重新应用暂存的修改 对应的IDEA操作暂存 git 从某一个提交历史版本号中切出一个新的分支 git常见问题(想到了补充) git clone 时报fatal protocol 'https' is not supported 摘要 本文记录了开发过程中常用的git 命令,可以解决工作中遇到的大部分问题,后续遇到新的git相关问题,再择机补充进去。
The syntax and supported options are the same as those of git-merge[1], but option values containing whitespace characters are currently not supported. branch.<name>.rebase When true, rebase the branch <name> on top of the fetched branch, instead of merging the default branch from the ...
Git使用之搭建基于SSH的Git服务器(中篇) -- fatal protocol error bad line length character: micr,在连接Git服务器的过程中,可能出现fatalprotocolerrorbadlinelengthcharacter:micr的错误。原因是Gi
The command is not supported as entered. Ensure you are using a supported SCM, check the syntax and try again. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists. When I use $env:GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -vvv", I'...
This is useful for cases where you want to pass transitory configuration options to git, but are doing so on operating systems where other processes might be able to read your command line (e.g./proc/self/cmdline), but not your environment (e.g./proc/self/environ). That behavior is the...
HI everyone, I have issue.. I want to use SSH upload a file. When trying git push, some error happened... I have tried many solutions to solve this, but it still show me EOF. System environment git version 2.34.1 git-lfs/3.5.1 (GitHub; l...
使用git bash 克隆 git clone 的时候,出现https 错误 windows git bash 出现这样的错误 fatal: protocol'https'isnot supported 原因是之前不小心输入了隐藏看不见的字符,比如Ctrl + V的时候会输入隐藏的特殊字符^?, 只要重新打开git bash,然后右键粘贴就行。