protobufjs-cli protobufjs4.8mBSD-3-Clause1.1.3 Translates between file formats and generates static code as well as TypeScript definitions. readme protobufjs-cliCommand line interface (CLI) for protobuf.js.This can be used to translate between file formats and to generate static code as well...
var pbjs = require("@tanglechat/protobufjs-cli/pbjs"); // or require("protobufjs-cli").pbjs / .pbts pbjs.main([ "--target", "json-module", "path/to/myproto.proto" ], function(err, output) { if (err) throw err; // do something with output });...
varpbjs=require("protobufjs-cli/pbjs");// or require("protobufjs-cli").pbjs / .pbtspbjs.main(["--target","json-module","path/to/myproto.proto"],function(err,output){if(err)throwerr;// do something with output}); License:BSD 3-Clause License...
protobufjs-cli/package.json Version: 887 BJSONView Raw 1{ 2"name":"protobufjs-cli", 3"description":"Translates between file formats and generates static code as well as TypeScript definitions.", 4"version":"1.1.2", 5"author":"Daniel Wirtz <>", ...
这两点,是能通过 protobuf 自动生成 HTTP 请求 SDK 的前提。 解决方案 我们的目标是,给定 protobuf,自动生成: 接口请求函数 接口出入参类型 根据protobuf 生成类型文件 这一步可以直接借助 protobufjs-cli: pbjs -t static-module -w commonjs -o compiled.js file1.proto file2.protopbts -o compiled.d...
1protobufjs-cli 2=== 3[]( 4 5Command line interface (CLI) for [protobuf.js]( 6 7This can be...
protobufjs-cli-v1.0.2 protobufjs/protobuf.js 版本发布时间: 2022-09-10 08:37:09 protobufjs/protobuf.js最新发布版本:protobufjs-v7.2.5(2023-08-22 08:03:54)1.0.2 (2022-09-09) Bug Fixes add import long to the generated .d.ts (#1802) (7c27b5a) ...
protobufjs-cli-v1.0.1 protobufjs/protobuf.js 版本发布时间: 2022-08-27 06:07:08 protobufjs/protobuf.js最新发布版本:protobufjs-v7.2.5(2023-08-22 08:03:54)1.0.1 (2022-08-26) Bug Fixes deps: update dependency glob to v8 (#1750) (8303a64) remove unused @types/long (#1785) (0...
protobufjs-cli compatibility The generated code is compatible withpbjs+pbts, wherepbjsis run with the following flags: --target=static-module --wrap=es6 --force-message --strict-long --no-delimited --no-verify (PRs are welcome to add support for other options that would increase compatibili...
npm config set cache "E:\nodejs\node_cache" 接下来设置环境变量,关闭cmd窗口,“我的电脑”-...