protobufjs-cli protobufjs4.8mBSD-3-Clause1.1.3 Translates between file formats and generates static code as well as TypeScript definitions. readme protobufjs-cliCommand line interface (CLI) for protobuf.js.This can be used to translate between file formats and to generate static code as well...
var pbjs = require("@tanglechat/protobufjs-cli/pbjs"); // or require("protobufjs-cli").pbjs / .pbts pbjs.main([ "--target", "json-module", "path/to/myproto.proto" ], function(err, output) { if (err) throw err; // do something with output });...
sudo npm install -g protobufjs-cli 1. 2. 2.2,安装位置 /usr/local/lib/node_modules/protobufjs/dist 1. 三,准备一个proto测试文件(test.proto) package awesomepackage; // 指定你正在使用 proto3 语法 // 若不设置,protocol buffer编译器会默认为您使用的是 proto2 syntax = "proto3"; message Awe...
$ pbjs protobuf.js v6.7.0CLIforJavaScript在文件格式之间转换并生成静态代码-t,--target 指定目标格式,可以接受需要自定义目标的路径。 json JSON json-moduleJSON表示为模块 proto2ProtocolBuffers,Version2proto3ProtocolBuffers,Version3static无反射的静态代码(本身不起作用)static-module无反射模块的静态代码-p,-...
protobufjs-cli Command line interface (CLI) forprotobuf.js. This can be used to translate between file formats and to generate static code as well as TypeScript definitions. pbjs for JavaScript pbts for TypeScript Reflection vs. static code ...
创建一个webpack项目环境 安装protobufjs 以及 protobufjs-cli npm install protobufjs --save npm install protobufjs-cli --save-dev 生成静态代码 -o ../../out/xxxxx.js输出的文件位置和命名../../proto/xxxxxx.proto你的proto文件 npx pbjs-tstatic-module-w commonjs-o../../out/xxxxx.js.....
UNPKG protobufjs-cli/package.json Version: 887 BJSONView Raw 1{ 2"name":"protobufjs-cli", 3"description":"Translates between file formats and generates static code as well as TypeScript definitions.", 4"version":"1.1.2", 5"author":"Daniel Wirtz <>", ...
这一步可以直接借助 protobufjs-cli: pbjs -t static-module -w commonjs -o compiled.js file1.proto file2.protopbts -o compiled.d.ts compiled.js 不再赘述。 根据protobuf 生成请求函数 这里采用 protobufjs 运行时解析 proto 文件的办法。 proto 示例: syntax = "proto3"; service MyService { rp...
1protobufjs-cli 2=== 3[]( 4 5Command line interface (CLI) for [protobuf.js]( 6 7This can be...
protobufjs-cli-v1.0.2 protobufjs/protobuf.js 版本发布时间: 2022-09-10 08:37:09 protobufjs/protobuf.js最新发布版本:protobufjs-v7.2.5(2023-08-22 08:03:54)1.0.2 (2022-09-09) Bug Fixes add import long to the generated .d.ts (#1802) (7c27b5a) ...