protobufjs-cli protobufjs4.8mBSD-3-Clause1.1.3 Translates between file formats and generates static code as well as TypeScript definitions. readme protobufjs-cliCommand line interface (CLI) for protobuf.js.This can be used to translate between file formats and to generate static code as well...
这两点,是能通过 protobuf 自动生成 HTTP 请求 SDK 的前提。 解决方案 我们的目标是,给定 protobuf,自动生成: 接口请求函数 接口出入参类型 根据protobuf 生成类型文件 这一步可以直接借助 protobufjs-cli: pbjs -t static-module -w commonjs -o compiled.js file1.proto file2.protopbts -o compiled.d...
protobufjs-cli/package.json Version: 887 BJSONView Raw 1{ 2"name":"protobufjs-cli", 3"description":"Translates between file formats and generates static code as well as TypeScript definitions.", 4"version":"1.1.2", 5"author":"Daniel Wirtz <>", ...
1protobufjs-cli 2=== 3[]( 4 5Command line interface (CLI) for [protobuf.js]( 6 7This can be...
protobufjs-cli Command line interface (CLI) forprotobuf.js. This can be used to translate between file formats and to generate static code as well as TypeScript definitions. pbjs for JavaScript pbts for TypeScript Reflection vs. static code ...
protobufjs-cli-v1.0.2 protobufjs/protobuf.js 版本发布时间: 2022-09-10 08:37:09 protobufjs/protobuf.js最新发布版本:protobufjs-v7.2.5(2023-08-22 08:03:54)1.0.2 (2022-09-09) Bug Fixes add import long to the generated .d.ts (#1802) (7c27b5a) ...
protobufjs-cli-v1.0.1 protobufjs/protobuf.js 版本发布时间: 2022-08-27 06:07:08 protobufjs/protobuf.js最新发布版本:protobufjs-v7.2.5(2023-08-22 08:03:54)1.0.1 (2022-08-26) Bug Fixes deps: update dependency glob to v8 (#1750) (8303a64) remove unused @types/long (#1785) (0...
It is intended as a faster replacement forprotobufjs-cli, ideal for large, evolving projects with many protos. The generated code usesprotobufjs/minimalandlongas the only runtime dependencies. Improvements over protobufjs-cli (pbjs / pbts) ...
或yarn global remove vue-cli卸载它。然后 npm install -g @vue/cli 全局安装 vue create wan...
var pbjs = require("@tanglechat/protobufjs-cli/pbjs"); // or require("protobufjs-cli").pbjs / .pbts pbjs.main([ "--target", "json-module", "path/to/myproto.proto" ], function(err, output) { if (err) throw err; // do something with output });...