// ostream 子类 ofstream -> 写文件 bool SerializeToOstream(std::ostream* output) const; // 将数据序列化写入到磁盘文件中, c 风格 bool SerializeToFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor) const; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 反序列化的api // 头文件目录: google\...
{usingnamespacegoogle::protobuf::io;intfd1 = open("myfile", O_CREAT |O_RDWR);if(fd1 == -1) {return; } ZeroCopyOutputStream*raw_output =newFileOutputStream(fd1); google::protobuf::io::CodedOutputStream coded_output(raw_output); rsp.SerializeToCodedStream(&coded_output);deleteraw_outp...
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 状态图 下面是使用mermaid语法绘制的状态图,描述了上述方案的流程。 DefineProtoFileGenerateJavaClassesCreateObjectInstanceSerializeToByteArrayWriteToFile 甘特图 下面是使用mermaid语法绘制的甘特图,描述了上述方案的时间安排。 2022-01-012022-01-022022-01-032022-01-042022-01-052022-01-062022-0...
bool SerializeToFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor)const; bool ParseFromFileDescriptor(int file_descriptor); //使用: void set_people() { fd = open(path,O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_RDWR,0644); if(fd <= 0){ perror("open"); exit(0); } wp.set_name("sealyaog"); wp.set_id(123456); wp.set_...
cout << "Fail to SerializeToOstream." << endl; } cout << "person.ByteSizeLong() : " << person.ByteSizLong() << endl; } void parse_process() { cout << "parse_process" << endl; tutorial::Person result; fstream input("person_file", ios::in | ios::binary); ...
("pb.xxx", ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary); bool flag = obj.SerializeToOstream(&output);//序列化 if (!flag) { cerr << "Failed to write file." << endl; return; } output.close();//关闭文件}void get_addressbook(){ AddressBook obj; fstream input("./...
boolflag = obj.SerializeToOstream(&output);//序列化if(!flag){cerr<<"Failed to write file."<<endl;return;} output.close();//关闭文件} voidget_addressbook(){AddressBook obj;fstreaminput("./pb.xxx", ios::in | ios::binary);obj.ParseFromIstream(...
(std::string*output)const;// Serialize the message and store it in the given byte array. All required// fields must be set.boolSerializeToArray(void*data,int size)const;boolSerializePartialToArray(void*data,int size)const;// Make a string encoding the message. Is equivalent to calling// ...
#include "message.pb.h" int main() { // 创建消息对象 MyMessage message; message.set_name("John"); message.set_age(25); // 序列化消息 std::string serialized_message = message.SerializeAsString(); // 反序列化消息 MyMessage deserialized_message; deserialized_message.ParseFromString(seria...
6、什么是Base 128 Varints 6.1 基本概念 6.2 举个例子 7、Protobuf支持的数据类型 7.1 概述 7....