net: "./train.prototxt" type: "Adam" I1106 10:31:16.410617 114 solver.cpp:91] Creating training net from net file: ./train.prototxt [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 17:35: Message type "caffe.TransformationParameter" has ...
When I run "th caffemodel_to_t7.lua ",I got the following error. [libprotobuf ERROR google/protobuf/] Error parsing text-format caffe.NetParameter: 42:14: Message type "caffe.PythonParameter" has no field named "param_str". Successfully loaded /home/xin/pytorch-vgg-m...
class Error(Exception): """Top-level module error for text_format.""" class ParseError(Error): """Thrown in case of text parsing or tokenizing error.""" def __init__(self, message=None, line=None, column=None): if message is not None and line is not None: ...
Parsing /* 使用从给定输入流解析的协议缓冲区填充消息。读取错误或输入格式错误时返回false。 成功返回并不表示整个输入已使用,请确保调用ConsumedEntireMessage()检查是否已使用(如果适用)。 */ PROTOBUF_ATTRIBUTE_REINITIALIZESboolParseFromCodedStream(
针对你遇到的 google.protobuf.message.DecodeError: error parsing message with type 'tensor' 错误,这里有一些可能的解决步骤和考虑因素,帮助你定位并解决问题: 确认tensor消息类型的定义是否正确: 确保你有一个正确的 .proto 文件定义了 tensor 消息类型。 检查.proto 文件中 tensor 类型的字段是否与你的数据模...
Update the comment of TextFormat::Printer::RegisterMessagePrinter that the method takes ownerhip of theprinterpointer. (d911161) Prepare the code for migrating return types fromconst std::string&to (e13b8e9) Java Remove deprecation warnings for Timestamp and Duration add/subtract/between that we...
Any() text = '{"@type": ""}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( KeyError, 'value', json_format.Parse, text, message) text = '{"value": 1234}' self.assertRaisesRegexp( json_format.ParseError, '@type is missing when parsing any message.', json_...
protoc --proto_path=. --cpp_out=. ./format/error_code.proto# # 查看版本protoc --version –proto_path=PATH。它表示要在哪个路径下搜索.proto文件,这个参数既可以用-I指定,也可以使用–proto_path=指定。-I参数没有等于号 即–cpp_out=,–python_out=等。如果protoc已经内置语言对应的编译插件,则无需...
* Change the default value of case_insensitive_enum_parsing to false for JsonStringToMessage. * Add a warning if a field name doesn't match the style guide. * Fix TextFormat not round-trip correctly when float value is max float. ...